Thursday, November 21, 2013

Video Resumes: An Advanced Job Search Strategy For Ex-Offenders

Are you an ex-offender struggling to find a job? If so, you may want to try an advanced job search strategy provided that you are creative and have good computer skills. This strategy involves creating a different type of resume that will enhance your traditional resume. The type of resume that I am hinting at is actually a video resume.
A video resume allows you to share your work experience and academic accomplishments in video format. It also allows an employer to get a feel for you as if you were face-to-face in an actual interview versus only having the ability to read your physical cover letter and resume.
This type of resume is very different from your paper resume. It can actually be a doubled edge sword in that it has the ability help you or hurt you as a job applicant. The end result depends upon the perception of the hiring manager who is viewing it. Now on a more positive note, the great thing about them is that they provide you with the opportunity to add value, to tell a story about yourself, and to highlight your skills or anything else that you're proud of.
Ideally, you should view your video resume as a supplement to your traditional resume-not something to use in place of it. If used properly, it can be a powerful tool for introducing you to a potential employer. Another benefit includes being able to distribute it in e-mails, social network pages, and various other advertising platforms. You should think about your video resume as a 1 minute video "commercial" about you and why you would make an excellent employee. That being said, the video resume is the new way employers look at, screen and hire applicants.
Creating a video resume does not have to be a difficult or time-consuming project if you plan ahead? Be sure to tailor it to the industry in which you are seeking a job. Also, before you begin recording, you should have your 60 second script well-planned and written in advance. Once you have that taken care of, then it's time record the video.
Be professional throughout the recording and approach the video resume as if it were an in-person interview. Think of it as your personal story. The best part about a video resume is that it can be used on external media, like a DVD or a thumb drive, as well as on the Internet, on your social media profiles or website. Now, go and do some deep thinking to see if a video resume is something that feels right for you. If not, then don't do it. The decision is entirely up to you.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Scientific Finding Reveals Tetris Video Game May Improve Lazy Eye

The 80's were certainly a memorable decade for a lot of video gamers. A lot of us remember games like "Pac-Man" and "Space Invaders" associated with video Atari game systems. These were a source of excitement, fun and entertainment, but did you know that a popular video game from the 80's called Tetris may actually improve eye health? According to research conducted by McGill University Health Center, if you are wondering how you can eliminate lazy eye, the video game Tetris may be a possible solution to your eye problem. Therefore, if you are a video game fan who is seeking a fun and entertaining way to improve this eye condition naturally without risky surgery, here is some interesting information regarding the findings of this University study.
Scientists at McGill University are touting the video game Tetris as a means by which patients may reduce lazy eye. This is because it may improve the ability of the eyes to function together efficiently by sending visual information to both eyes at the same time. Why is this essential? Well, according to this scientific finding, playing sessions of Tetris provides the kind of stimulus that results in an improvement in the teamwork of both eyes. This stimulation retrains the lazy eye causing it to adapt and eventually open wider. This is related to the scientific fact that the brain is adaptive in terms of its plasticity. This is an exciting finding for people who have been inquiring about solutions as to how they may get rid of Lazy eye.
According to scientific findings, sessions of Tetris increases the rapid firing of neurons in the brain. This rapid fire also stimulates and activates the brain centers responsible for vision, thereby re-training the brain to adapt to using the lazy eye more efficiently. Therefore, this leads to positive changes in the visual system as the lazy eye begins to adjust to staying open for longer periods of time.
You may be wondering how long video gamers should play Tetris to see positive changes in their condition. According to the scientists who conducted this study, the patients who played only about 15 minutes a day for a 2 week period saw an improvement in their lazy eye.
What is particularly interesting is the fact that the video game Tetris was most effective when played dichoptically. In other words, each eye sees a separate part of the game. For example, the stronger eye sees the base of the game while the impaired eye sees the game pieces.
Tetris improves the teamwork of both eyes while stimulating the lazy eye to adapt to functioning more efficiently. In the process, it may reduce lazy eye. Such scientific findings and studies are a source of hope for Tetris video game fans possibly eliminating the unwelcome alternative of surgery. Ultimately, Tetris game therapy may offer a source of treatment for Lazy eye that is not only fun and entertaining, but beneficial in treating this eye condition naturally.
My name is Joel King and I am a City College Broadcasting graduate and internet marketer. As a natural vision improvement success story, I enjoy writing helpful articles based on my course of studies at City College and the knowledge and experience I have gained by trying vision improvement alternatives to glasses and contacts. Check out this effective vision improvement program that provides fun and easy eye exercises

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Visionmaster LCD Video Wall Systems for Control Rooms

The absence of adequate floor space in modern control rooms make LCD videowall displays preferable to the deeper DLP projection cubes that were the standard for many years. Although these flat panel displays can be mounted on the wall to minimize their footprint, Americon's Visionmaster freestanding cabinet for LCD videowall displays are gaining popularity because of other advantages.
While there are several modular videowall systems on the market, the Visionmaster LCD video wall stands out with its versatility and unique features designed for security monitoring, military, process control, emergency operations, and network monitoring applications.
Here are a few key attributes of Americon Visionmaster LCD videowall systems that make them the right choice for both large and small control rooms as well as emergency operations centers:
  • Self-contained and free standing in 12" deep custom cabinetry that conceals the equipment and cables while allowing easy access from both the front and backside. Choose from 'thin' or 'ultra thin' bezel commercial LCD displays with LED back lighting depending on your application and budget.

  • Modular design that shifts the weight of the displays from the wall to the floor. This is important when the control room is in a commercial building where the walls are not capable of supporting the weight of large wall-mounted displays. If operating in an earthquake-prone zone, the Visionmaster LCD videowall cabinet is easily attached to the wall preventing the cabinet and its components from falling forward.

  • Expandable depending on wall space and ceiling height. These LCD videowall systems grow as requirements grow and can be easily relocated without having to renovate the space.

  • Modern video wall controllers that allow the operator to place and size a wide range of high definition sources like TV and computers anywhere on the videowall. Pre-loaded Windows software and supporting peripherals such as wireless keyboard and mouse and optional touch panel control system.

  • Integrated sound system with speakers and audio controller built into the base. Freestanding video wall systems are complete systems that include displays, supporting electronics, storage space, racks and high-quality cabinetry that can be brought in the room and put into operation with training done the same day.
As important, the Americon Visionmaster LCD videowall is a product that has been carefully designed for easy installation and operation as well as easy maintenance. The installation and training procedures take no more than one day in most cases and the price is commensurate to wall mounted videowalls. Americon Visionmaster video wall display systems are more flexible than wall mounted versions and are surprisingly economical.

Monday, November 18, 2013

How Video And Offline Promotional Tactics Can Get You More Traffic asd

Have you ever considered doing a lot of free marketing to drive traffic to your website? I know for some people, free marketing is a tedious process that can take all day to do. But what you get in return are highly qualified leads that you can easily convert into paid customers. But if you want this, it all starts with website traffic.
Getting website traffic is something that many people struggle with. They try paid advertising venues like pay per click (PPC), but after the huge surge of traffic that they get from there, they have no more money to invest into it. This is a big thing because without targeted traffic coming to your website, how will you make money?
I want to go over a few traffic strategies that you can do that can explode your traffic (if done consistently), and can help you to get the recurring sales and figures that you are looking for. You've probably heard of these strategies, but I want to delve deep into the heart of the matter and show you how they can be profitable for you. Here's the first traffic strategy that I want to go over with you:
1) Video promotion
Using videos to get people to your website is an excellent idea. You will probably have to start off with a site like YouTube or Dailymotion, but with this technique, you could also setup your own video blog. It's the same thing as a regular blog, except (obviously)... they are filled with your videos.
I think this is a great way to get promotion to your site with videos. I create videos all the time, and each new one that I create goes straight to YouTube, and then to my video blog. It's a good strategy to use, and marketing with videos is something that can make all the difference in your business. Here's another tip for getting traffic for your website:
2) Offline promotion
Many entrepreneurs online disregard offline marketing and options available via offline promotion. But in fact, some of your best, repeat buyers will come from offline! So it would be senseless NOT to run some offline ads and direct mail campaigns to try and target these people.
You will want to make sure that your product price is high enough to at least break even on every sale that you get. And if you make a little bit of profit, then great! Put that new customer into your backend marketing funnel and continue to sell to them over and over again. This is the where the bulk of your sales will come from. as
No matter how you decide to get your website traffic, make sure that it's profitable. You don't want to do questionable traffic strategies, but just put yourself on a sensible path for getting as much traffic and sales on a daily basis - ethically and legally. It's something that you should live by, and this philosophy is something that will help you to prevail - no matter what you sell online.
Good luck with generating traffic to your website today.

Sunday, November 17, 2013

Video Games and Major Motion Pictures

Sometimes the movies or films are created first, and sometimes the games are created first. When the producers of either love the movie or the game itself that much (or it's an intellectual property that's used in both contexts and another medium), they make a decision to cross over to the other side of the entertainment world. It's not only highly creative, but it demands a very intelligent and imaginative mind to accomplish something like this.

What are the names of some movies that you know have been made into games already? Do you remember, and have you invested in any of the following as of yet?

Dead or Alive was a martial arts film that was based on the actual video game. The successful Arkam Asylum game capitalizes on a simultaneous resurgence in the Batman franchise that went with a trilogy of movies.

Halo was set to be made into a big budget film, but the making of it has been stalled many times. After all of the tug of war's between the potential director, producer, and Microsoft, it is still up in the air. The creative director of Microsoft's internal division, Frank O'Connor, who directed the making of all of the high production video games from the Halo brand, oversees the making of the movie as well, and still believes that one will be made in the future. Stephen Spielberg did express an interest, but Halo the movie has not been made.

What Type of Education Do You Need?

That depends on your intrinsic personality type along with your particular interests. Games design takes programmers, while movies are camera and film skill oriented, but both need writers, animators and musical composers, as well as actors. If you are interested in games, or movies to the point where you would want to be involved in creating one or the other, you should also have both an interest and ability to use the computer.

Even more importantly - Consider majoring in a technical computer degree and/or a gaming development degree. Or, if you already started a technical degree, take it a step further and pursue something in the entertainment area, such as film production programs. High production video games are in very high demand, and so are great movies. Alternatively if you are looking to score games and movies, audio engineering schools may be a much better choice.

This is a part of the economy that isn't expected to slow down any time soon. If you already attend college or tech school for these specific majors, you should consider researching the various topics discussed here if video games and high production films peak your curiosity.

Remember, it's important to have an open mind along with creativity, and the willingness to learn everything you can.

Visit Trebas Institute for more information on other ways to break into film and games like audio school.

Patrick Quinn is a Copywriter at Higher Education Marketing, a leading Web marketing firm specializing in Google Analytics, Education Lead Generation, Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Mobile SMS Alerts, Social Media Marketing and Pay Per Click Marketing, among other web marketing services and tools.