Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Erect Penis Show - Making a Masturbation Video

Since so many men are showing the world what their fists are up to on a regular basis, it's a good idea for a guy to put a little thought into things before he makes and shares his glorious masturbation video. (This is all assuming, of course, that the man in question is going to share said video in ways that do not violate any laws. That should be his primary consideration!)


First and foremost, a man needs to decide if he wants to be identifiable from this disclosure of his playful fondling. For many men, the answer is an immediate "Yes": part of the thrill or attraction involves being identified personally with his penis. Yet even these men should take a minute to weigh the consequences: Will he be embarrassed if certain people he knows see this? Could it have any effect on his current or future employment? Those who don't wish to be identified need to position the camera so that their faces are not shown, wear a facial covering of some sort, or digitally obscure their faces.

How to film

- Will this be a selfie, or has a friend agreed to run the camera for the man as he masturbates? A cameraperson can help add some smooth visual moves, but a selfie may be more practical.
- Is the focus to be pretty much on the equipment itself, or more of a full body shot? If tightly focused on the johnson, try experimenting with a few camera angles: for men concerned with such matters, shots from slightly below, looking up at the penis make the tool appear larger.
- Is there lighting? This can also be very helpful; most people don't have access to professional lighting, but a guy can play around with the lamps and flashlights in his house to see which ones cast the best shadows or illuminate body parts in the most flattering way.
- Will there be a "money shot" (I.e., an ejaculation captured on film)? If so, plan for it; guys who shoot loads that go long distances may want the camera to be placed in the way which will best capture that. Those who tend to pour in a more contained manner may want to move the tool in for a close-up during release.

- What about costuming? Is the man going fully nude? Leaving the shirt on? Dropping trousers to the ankles or just pulling his manhood out from behind the zipper?

- Is this a silent or a talkie? Heavy breathing, moaning or talking dirty to the camera can be very effective, but many men feel uncomfortable doing this in front of a camera; there's also the possibility that a vocal contribution may lead a man who wishes to be anonymous to be recognized.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Importance of Video Production to Businessmen

Video production is no longer restricted to the movie industries unlike back then. These days, business men are beginning to know the importance of using videos as an advertisement strategy. Articles have been used over time to reach audience effectively but the rate at which it imparts its target audience cannot be compared to a video intended for the same target audience. Videos brings out that emotion that will make prospective customers interested in your product, it also has the tendency of reaching many more people when compared with articles although the niche your video belongs too also has a role to play in gaining recognition with web traffic and search engines.
Web video production is not limited to any form of information so long as you are able to successfully promote your company with it passing the relevant information that will attract their interest on your product. When business video production is discussed, the first thing you should think of is how to produce compelling videos with great quality and if you find this difficult to do, try the services of professional business video production companies. They are grounded in the job so you can be sure of getting the best from them although you may be required to pay more than your initial bargain depending on the popularity of the company.
According to recent studies, YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google so you must try as much as you can to exploit the web traffic it commands. Once you come up with a quality video and publish it on YouTube, you can start getting viewers and building prospective customers immediately. You can also copy the link to your video and have it displayed on your Facebook wall to boost the traffic directed towards your video. A quality video sells for itself so you may not need to do too much work trying to make your video seen because the few people who saw it and liked it will surely send word to their friends and families who will all be curious making them watch your video too even as they continue informing more and more friends.
One key factor capable of selling your product is the comment box placed below every video uploaded to YouTube and other video sharing sites. People who were positively imparted with your video will surely leave good comments and these comments may prove instrumental in attracting other customers to your product.

Monday, September 22, 2014

How to Use Video Marketing in Your Business

Online video marketing effectively is a dynamic resource to dominate the search engines as a promotional tool for both large and small businesses. With the likes of YouTube as the traffic engine, this allows businesses to transform into moneymaking machines since it can be easy to set up a video without having to worry about all the intricacies involved such as editing and the amount of takes in each session.
Having said that, there are several ways to use video to create a 2-3 minute videos on specific topics using the content from articles and text sources. The most traditional way according to Wikipedia is creating a PowerPoint presentation of original articles in an animated slide show. The relevant pictures are added to the slide show with the voice of the Webmaster presenting the information through screen capture software called Camtasia.
This is a preferred method of teaching for those of us who learn by visual kinesthetic or auditory. So combining these three elements drives home our message to a wide audience. Considering, these methods of learning, lets pique our knowledge for understanding.
1. Auditory learners. Prefer to listen to what's been said as the noise of music or sound in general creates a feeling of emotional content delivered to our minds and hearts for example, as we hear a certain type of music, have you noticed how it creates feeling? For example my favorite music is "Have you seen her" by the Chi-lites since it brings back memories on the dance floor.
2. Kinesthetic learners. Learn best with hands on experience as the touch of a computer, the touch of a mechanical instrument, the touch of riding a bicycle has more emphasis than explaining information from a manual text for interpretation.
3. Visual learners. Learn best by observing in its graphical form such as animation, creative pictures, watching experiments, multimedia, text illustrations combined with words is digested to increase exponentially. Particularly, if you notice how easy it is to learn by watching a movie with all characters, actors connecting each scene, taking us on an adventure experience. By way of example, my favorite pastime children's movie is "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."
I still remember as a child sitting in the front row of a picture theatre with all my brothers, sisters and cousins enjoying the experience. In fact, I can still remember tasting the beautiful "Fish n Chips" we often bought from our local shop after each movie, especially the taste of vinegar and salt on our taste buds.
Whatever niche we are involved with and how we decide to market our products and services, I'm sure we understand the relevance and importance of creating a video to target a wide audience as a promotional strategy.
Perhaps, we can mention some other areas of focus for our video online delivery such as: Conveying strong, compelling messages, establishing credibility, trustworthiness, responsibility, accountability, integrity and honesty. Customers in general may relate to our presentation when they hear our voice and observe you explaining every step of the demonstration process.
A video experience also, personifies family relationships as children are filmed from babies, toddlers, and teenagers and into adulthood. The emotional content involved with video enhances a feeling of tears, joy, love, adventure, and excitement.
Furthermore, online video has demonstrated a personal connection with customers in social media even before you meet the person face to face.
In summary, this article has just touched on various areas of our online video experience. The benefits of video marketing portray some interesting statistics; such as YouTube has more than 4 billion views each day. Video is measured as it delivers important information for business purposes to create or change sales approaches and marketing connectivity.
In conclusion, by way of increasing business sales and exposing our products on YouTube for maximum results, Instead of purchasing an expensive camera (although a camera has its purposes), there is a product on the market that requires little effort to create, in fact, this product or video capture software can be produced in a matter of minutes with animation, mixed with text and sound.