Since so many men are showing the world what their fists are up to on
a regular basis, it's a good idea for a guy to put a little thought
into things before he makes and shares his glorious masturbation video.
(This is all assuming, of course, that the man in question is going to
share said video in ways that do not violate any laws. That should be
his primary consideration!)
First and
foremost, a man needs to decide if he wants to be identifiable from this
disclosure of his playful fondling. For many men, the answer is an
immediate "Yes": part of the thrill or attraction involves being
identified personally with his penis. Yet even these men should take a
minute to weigh the consequences: Will he be embarrassed if certain
people he knows see this? Could it have any effect on his current or
future employment? Those who don't wish to be identified need to
position the camera so that their faces are not shown, wear a facial
covering of some sort, or digitally obscure their faces.
How to film
Will this be a selfie, or has a friend agreed to run the camera for the
man as he masturbates? A cameraperson can help add some smooth visual
moves, but a selfie may be more practical.
- Is the focus to be
pretty much on the equipment itself, or more of a full body shot? If
tightly focused on the johnson, try experimenting with a few camera
angles: for men concerned with such matters, shots from slightly below,
looking up at the penis make the tool appear larger.
- Is there lighting? This can also be very helpful; most people
don't have access to professional lighting, but a guy can play around
with the lamps and flashlights in his house to see which ones cast the
best shadows or illuminate body parts in the most flattering way.
Will there be a "money shot" (I.e., an ejaculation captured on film)?
If so, plan for it; guys who shoot loads that go long distances may want
the camera to be placed in the way which will best capture that. Those
who tend to pour in a more contained manner may want to move the tool in
for a close-up during release.
- What about costuming? Is the man
going fully nude? Leaving the shirt on? Dropping trousers to the ankles
or just pulling his manhood out from behind the zipper?
- Is this
a silent or a talkie? Heavy breathing, moaning or talking dirty to the
camera can be very effective, but many men feel uncomfortable doing this
in front of a camera; there's also the possibility that a vocal
contribution may lead a man who wishes to be anonymous to be recognized.
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