Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ableton Live - Advice For Video Editing

While Ableton live remains the premier music production tool in the industry, it has some video editing capabilities, too. Deejays and singers are, by necessity, performers and including a backing music video to shows can really enhance the audience's experience. It's been used as a video editor by many artists and while it's not capable of achieving a large variety of wipes and effects, it's adequate for those in need of a simple video which follows a music track, and is quick to put together.
Videos In No Time
With other video editing software, a two minute video usually takes a minimum of 2 hours to create. In Live it's possible to create in half an hour. Deejays and performers whose talent lies in their music production will value the simplicity and ease of video creation using software they already have installed on their computers. Musicians who don't have the time to create complex visual streaming are able to achieve adequate results. While the software developers make no claims regarding Live as a video editor, it certainly has this possibility.
Requires QuickTime
The software does need QuickTime to function. Those who don't have it are able to download freeware which converts files into the correct format using codecs. The best rendering format to use for image quality and size is the photo-jpeg. Most other formats are either too large or don't have high enough picture quality.
File Formats
Photo-jpegs are also frame accurate which further suites them to in sync video creation. Because the software doesn't use key frames like other editing software, they can be stopped anywhere and 'scrubbed' back and forth for effect. This is done without excessive CPU usage.
If animation is preferred, an animation codec can be used. The codec is not CPU intensive. However, lower quality parameters must be used here to avoid slow playing.
Simple Sync System
The advantage this software has over other editors is that images can be streamed to change in exact sync with music in no time at all. Videos are arranged according to beats and bars. It can be used in conjunction with other editing software to create effects.
The program plays videos in layers, with the bottom layer playing first and so on. Once every video track has been saved individually, the rest should be deleted. Each video track is then exported separately. It's at this point that other effects from alternative software are added.
Easy To Master
Those who are well versed in using the software for music production will be able to produce better videos as they are created in the same way. All other programs must be closed before use as certain other video editing programs can interfere with operations. The easiest files to edit are smaller photographed images and animations. These are unlikely to suffer any buggy performance.
The most important aspect of any music video is its content. Musicians who are visually creative will therefore have no problem using their Ableton Live software to produce an interesting video that will enhance their performance. Artist presence can be improved on the internet with postings to video sites, too. With any luck, perhaps they'll go viral.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Internet and Businesses Online: Video Marketing Article Category

This article will discuss video style tips needed for a video production. In creating videos, the producer should know which style they are adopting and the theme for the video.
5 Reasons Why Videos Are The Hottest Marketing Tools
Online video is becoming a first stop for many customers. If you own a small business or are in business for yourself, there's too much evidence to ignore showing online video marketing as a viable marketing tool and reputation builder.
Relevance Of Online Video Marketing For Business
In the world we live in today, one of the most popular and most effective Internet marketing means is online video marketing and this has been proven by the massive popularity that video sharing sites like YouTube have gained. Most website owners now see the main reasons why they need to upload videos on their sites and why they need to embrace online video marketing means.
The Changing Video Production Industry
The media production industry is changing and changing fast.. The cost of purchasing production equipment has decreased dramatically over the past 10 years. There was a time when the cost of entry into the industry prohibited those without experience and talent from competing. Now with the lower equipment costs, it is affordable for anyone to hang a sign and call themselves a video producer.
5 Reasons You Need an Online Video
Look around you, everyone's online one way or another. People have got their heads down checking their email, scrolling through Facebook on their phones, opening links to webpages for three different sites at once. There's no avoiding it, staying current means being active online but here's the catch: it's not enough. Tweeting updates about your company's latest sale just doesn't cut it anymore. Video is crucial to your online presence for five simple reasons.
Professional Video Production - Choosing The Best Team
Corporate videos or videos that are business related and meant to pass a serious message need to be given all the attention they require if at all they are to fetch the desired results. A video with a poor script and volume will never do you justice, especially considering how easy it is for such a video to lose the interest of your viewers. The truth is that a high quality one can make all the difference for you, especially when you are trying to attract potential new customers or when you want your video to go viral. It can all rely on the professionals you select and what they can do for you.
5 Tips for Choosing the Right Internet Video Production Equipment
With so many benefits of Internet video production, it is wise for any company to get online. However, the equipment purchasing phase can be intimidating. With a few helpful hints, you can be on your way to supplying the office with everything needed for in-house filming.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Video Production Business Tips - Starting a Video Production Business

A good friend of mine called some time ago to pick my brain about starting a video production business. He and I graduated from the same college with the same degree but his life and career took him down a much different path than mine. He has done well for his wife and 3 kids but has always had the itch for getting back into video production.
During our phone conversation, I was reminded of how hard it is to start a new business, especially a new video production business when you have a family that depends on your income. The truth of the matter is that you have to be in a position to lose for a while before you will start to win. You have to spend money for a while before you will start to earn enough money to make a living.
Here's the condensed version of the advice I gave my friend:
1. Research your market. Find the need. Fill the need.
What are the other video production companies in your area? What type of clients do they serve? If there are 10 wedding videographers and 0 corporate video production companies, then you should seriously consider being the first and only corporate production company in your area. If there are 10 corporate video companies and only a few wedding videographers, you should lean more towards wedding videography. If it's about the same in both categories, consider serving both markets or simply choose the type of work you prefer to do.
I researched online while I was on the phone with my friend. After looking at the competitor's website, I learned that this company wasn't producing good work. The quality of their website was poor and their wedding demo was even worse.
With that in mind, I suggested to my friend that all he'd have to do to get out of the gate in a hurry is make sure his site looked better than theirs and that his wedding demo did the same. He is a talented shooter/editor so creating a better demo won't be a problem.
The other side of the equation is that this competitor doesn't do any corporate video work so my friend could be the one and only corporate video production company in his town. At this time, the corporate clients get all their production projects done out of a larger city about an hour from there.
2. Plan to Lose Money.
After the research proved that there is plenty of opportunity for another production company in his area, we discussed how he'd handle the cash needs for both his new business and personal obligations. The reality is that it could take as long as two years to generate a large enough client base to reach the salary he makes in his current line of work. Knowing this up front, he has to figure out how he's going to pay all the business and personal bills until his company can support both.
He can work full-time or part-time for someone else in order to support his income and spend the remaining time to build his video production business. He can also loan from a bank or find an investor to finance his business.
3. Pull The Trigger!
Let's face it. Starting a video business is probably the hardest thing you'll ever do. Keeping your head above water is equally as challenging. However, you can't be successful as a video business owner until you take the first step. If you have decided that this is something you definitely want to do, THEN DO IT!
Don't waste any more time. Every day that passes is a day that you can either be working towards building your own asset (your business) or working to build someone else's asset (someone else's business). I'll tell you from experience that you will make mistakes - a lot of mistakes. But the only way you can learn from those mistakes is to hurry up and make them.
The advice I gave above isn't anywhere near the information you need to start and run a successful video production business but it should give you a few things to think about. Find the easiest entry point in your market (wedding, corporate, etc.), figure out how you are going to pay the bills while you are building the business in the first year (full-time job, part-time job, bank loans, investor) and finally, pull the trigger!