Friday, October 18, 2013

Increase Your Website Sales With Video Production Companies

7 Reasons You Must Have Online Video On Your Website
You can do a lot better with your website. Paramount Video Productions, a leading Brisbane Video Production company, shows you how.
Video is becoming a must-have on the Internet. How can you benefit? Bear in mind we are walking through a revolution in communication - the digital revolution. We are time-poor: computers give us increasingly more work to do. We need information delivered fast - video achieves this. But, just as with the spoken word, with writing and with any communication we want the message delivered with style - style that engages, entertains and educates. Style that grabs our attention, gets us hooked and makes us hang in there to the end.
In this two-part article we explore how you can get ongoing, affordable video to increase profits, communicate better and build your brand. By keeping your website fresh with new video content, you can make it dynamic and interactive - a magnet that attracts attention. Alternatively, you may just want to keep your staff and customers better informed.
Here are the questions you ask: how can I use online video effectively; which companies offer the best web video production; besides using on my website what added value can I get; should I make a corporate video for my website or another type of video and what companies should I hire?
Please think of this series of articles as a workshop. At any time go to the Paramount Video Productions website to discover and explore. Use the menu. Go to Marketing or Training or Events. In Marketing, choose a section such as Web Videos. Bear in mind this company is a leader in Brisbane Video Production. Phone me at Australia 07 1300 656 269 if you have questions or need help.
Before we look at the seven points, in Part 2, some observations for you.
Why is video so popular? It is more interactive than text and viewers relate better to video. Video is social, mobile, interactive, profitable, trackable, brandable and the list goes on. Did you know that in September 2012 US Internet users engaged in over 39.8 BILLION video views? If you have not incorporated effective video on your site it is time to seriously start considering it. If not, you are behind the times - your competitors will overtake you.
Note the words effective video: don't make the mistake of thinking just any video will do. The topic must be well researched, well scripted and carefully constructed to appeal to the target market in style and form; it must entertain and educate. It must have rhythm and pace that compels the viewer's brain to lock in. In summary, an effective video is a complex combination of many different elements. Only expert can achieve this.
Key Insight: After twenty years in Video Production in Brisbane we know that what your customer wants in your video is TV quality. Your target market probably views TV from four to ten hours each week. TV has become the standard, the norm for your customer. You know that TV is a multi-billion dollar industry with highly skilled experts. TV Producers, after ten years of training, are able to combine all the complex elements needed to compel the viewer to watch. TV Producers are skilled in using content and style to capture the attention of specific, segmented, target markets such as: children 5 to 12, teenagers male 12-19, female 20-30, families, and many more audience categories.
What's the lesson here for you? Top quality camerawork, interesting angles, good presenters, and good scripts with compelling words, exciting music, rhythm and pace - all these TV qualities need to be in your video if you are to succeed.
Further, your video needs to be aimed specifically, in content and style, at your target.
Besides TV Producers, Advertising Agencies also follow all of the above to create compelling TV Commercials. What is the lesson here for you? Do not underestimate the complexity of video. You need an expert in mass communication. Do not go for the cheap and nasty - it will not work and it will make your brand look cheap. Hire top professionals, preferably with TV experience, who use all the elements to aim a message directly at your target market.
Keep in mind the keywords of the Canadian media guru Marshall McLuhan: "The Medium is the Massage" or "the medium is the message". This great man is telling you that the style - the "look" of your video IS the sales message. If your video is well produced your target market assumes your product is well produced. That's why good TV Commercials of thirty seconds take three days to produce: the lighting, the sets, the locations, the camera angles, the camera lenses, the look of the actors, the costumes, the words spoken, the music, the pace of the editing - all these elements massage the brain of the viewer. The medium is the massage. The massage is what will sell your product. Put as much money as you can into making the best "massage", the best production possible.
You can see some examples at . However, let me say, the budgets we have been given so far, except for Health work with Universities, have been, sadly, quite small, leading to good, but rushed, work.
Thank you for sharing this time with me. I hope these ideas help you prosper and grow your business. We've been looking at: the current explosion of online video and why your target market wants your message in video, the complexity of video, the need to get TV-style quality. In section two we go on to seven reasons you must have video on your website. If you want this now, please contact me.

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