Sunday, October 6, 2013

Video Wealth Era Review - How Good Is It? My Honest Opinion

Video Wealth Era has nine modules that make up a total of sixteen videos, and takes into account that there are experienced Internet marketers looking to improve their marketing efforts, and people who are getting into Internet marketing for the first time, having set up an online business. The first video, Overview of Video Marketing, takes into account what someone with no marketing experience needs to know about the basis of video marketing and how it's already impacting the world around you. Overview of this video marketing course touches on why you are taking the course. Namely, attracting massive traffic with a higher number of people taking you up on your offer. The overview touches on how video marketing compares with other website marketing strategies.
The second module, The Video Formula, is very helpful for everyone because it reminds me of the critical importance of laying out a plan. It's very much like outlining the purpose and goals of your business as it applies to building successful video marketing campaigns. You set your goals of what actions you want your viewers to take and the process of responding to their actions.
It takes doing your research and developing topics of your videos that will engage your viewers. The implementation stage comes next, covering the use of headlines to imply benefits and how creativity plays a huge roll. There's the opening, going next into useful information that holds interest, and the invitation to a landing page or an email capture page. Once the video is produced, it's ready to be shared through social media, syndication and as many video sharing sites as possible.
I thought so far that the initial steps outlined are smart steps to take, because if you put together a video without clarity of purpose, it's doubtful viewers are going to feel any reason to watch the video through to the end, or take action. It crossed my mind that if I distribute my video to every video sharing site, I would be spreading duplicate content around the Internet and that might hurt ranking.
I now realize that audience size is what helps determine how a video rises to the top of search. I like very much that Sherrman gives names of video syndication sites that help distribute your video. It is encouraging to get recommended sites and how they help spread your video over the net. The second half of The Video Formula lays out something I hadn't considered, I thought up to this point, I've gotten my video properly produced and distributed, so now I'm just looking for the results.
Well, I was wrong, that's only the beginning, the biggest challenge is called the 'Sustenance Stage', this is amazing stuff. It's kind of a refinement stage where seeing what the competition is doing, what sort of videos are gaining popularity and the making of more videos with as short and concise a message as possible. It's all about holding the viewer's attention and at the same time paying attention to creating search engine friendly video clips.
The third module is called the Video Squeeze Page and it is expressly for creating massive opt-ins in order to build a highly interested audience for further email campaigns. So it is the combination of video marketing and building a large list to keep your message and name in front of people that should be built into your goals. When your audience finally make the decision to buy, you are who they choose to go with. A video opt-in page beats long text sales letters by better than ten to one. The second half of Video Squeeze Page is the use of autoresponders in automating for immediate response to opt-in forms. It's a quick rundown on one popular autoresponder, but it does touch on some fine points of getting the most out of them.
The fourth module, Video Submission for Massive Traffic is great at covering the submission process to video sharing sites,, but what I really liked about both videos, was Sherrman Cheow went through a number of top sites and what's great about them and any drawbacks some have, be sure to jot down the sites and take notes, you'll definitely need this info when you are at the submission stage.
Video Advertising Platforms
Module five, Video Advertising Platforms, shows there's more to promoting your video marketing clip than video sharing sites. This is where it gets interesting on integrating video marketing messages into the old traditional banner advertising. Video again surpasses enticing graphics that are used to encourage people to click on banners. Text ads? Well, on a one to one comparison, video marketing has no competition for generating audience interest and action.
The advantage of the video advertising platforms is being able to narrow and focus on the right audience, that in itself would increase your conversion rates. There are costs involved to using video advertising platforms, so it's important to find a platform that has great traffic but also fits into a marketing budget. I know I would not blow a year's marketing budget on a monthly campaign. I like that Sherrman Cheow points out the pros and cons and gives direction. The second half of module four has the information I needed, and I'm sure it will help you immensely with using the right video advertising platforms.
Module six, ClickBank Video Wealth, if you are not familiar with affiliate marketing, this will be an eye opener. For experienced Internet marketers, it covers some fine points and Sherrman Cheow recommends adding your own products too. The two parts are really most helpful to anyone who has not used ClickBank before.
Module seven, Money From Selling Physical Product, is great at touching on a couple of really good methods of selling and incorporating into your video marketing clip. If you need to know the reasons why, the reasons are persuasive, enough for me to see that if you truly want to sell anything, the power of seeing the product in action and its benefits featured works far better than any other medium. It's so true, the more familiar your viewers get, the more they know, the more who will buy. The second half of Money From Selling Physical Product gets into really helpful information on where to find physical products you can get paid on for selling.
Module eight, Make Money By Not Selling Anything, is a fascinating breakdown of what's called 'cost per action'. In other words, you get paid when your viewers take a specific action, like going to the site you recommend and filling out a form to opt-in, these are some of the best leads any company can hope for, the lead is more qualified and can cost less to pay you for generating the lead than it does to advertise or run email marketing campaigns themselves.
There are some very important tips on managing your video campaigns and opt-in forms to ensure people are sorted into the particular niche they've shown interest in. The money is also in the follow up of delivering various offers that would interest them most. Once you have your opt-in lists, the money is in the follow up of continually putting different things of interest out there for your captured email audiences. The second half of Make Money By Not Selling Anything, goes right into valuable information by covering the various CPA networks, the details and recommendations alone are worth the entire course! Seems like Sherrman Cheow saves some of the best stuff for last, what seasoned Internet marketers would want to know and take advantage of.
The section on using video for CPA offers gives very astute advice that if you're not taking advantage of every technique, you are leaving free money on the table! Be sure to go through the modules in sequence as each builds on the one before it.
Module nine, Take Action Now! It is just long enough to encourage you to download the Seven Day Action Plan, leaving no reason to do anything else than put the action plan into action.
Overall, can you see yourself taking action?
This has been an enjoyable learning experience myself, there's no fluff, just some common sense mixed with the basics, and the named resources and tips that make all the difference. A focused effort using the action plan and reviewing sections of the course as you need, does work. I feel definitely that you should be one of the first to pick up the Video Wealth Era course. This has been a thorough review that gives you the added advantage of knowing the 'inside information' on a new product from a top authority, Sherrman Cheow.

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