Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Comparison Shopping For HDMI Cables

Most of us are aware that an HDMI cable connects high definition components and devices, whether your TV is connected to a BluRay player or an HD cable receiver. However, the picture on your HD equipment will still look like standard definition and resolution without an HDMI connecting cable. Typically, the cables used to connect audio and video equipment are the least expensive part of the HD equation while the picture definition and resolution will only be as good as the cables that are used.
First and foremost, start by determining the amount of HDMI cable (or length) that is needed to facilitate your system and components. One thing to be aware of is the fact that the longer the cable, the higher the price you'll pay. For instance, an extra foot or two in length could add as much as $20 to the total price of that cable. Therefore, it is important to accurately measure the distance between the HDMI ports on your HD TV and the ports on your other HD devices and equipment.
Secondly, does your HDMI cable have gold-tipped ends? Gold is viewed as the best metal for conducting electronic signals. Don't worry about a drastic increase in the price because there really isn't enough actual gold in the cable ends to drive the price up that much. Interestingly enough, there are many individuals who feel that cables with gold ends are simply a waste. But that mentality is most likely attributed to the fact that most consumers today do not have the budget to spend on high-end equipment and components.
They also feel that whether the ends are made from gold or some other metal, it doesn't make any significant difference in how well they work and the quality of signal that is delivered. Moving on, the third step is to look at how the cable is insulated. Cheaper cabling tends to use only a rubber exterior coating whereas the high-end HDMI cable will have an additional protective layer over the rubber and therefore, protects the cable from any damage.
Although this is not a requirement, purchasing a HDMI cable is highly recommended because even though it costs you more up front, what it saves you in the long run far outweighs that initial expense. Finally, be sure that your cable is rated as full, 1080 HD-supported. Most on the market cables are. However, there is that rare occurrence of occasionally finding one that is 720 HD.

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