Monday, December 23, 2013

A Quick Introduction to Online Video Marketing

Online video marketing is all the rage at the moment and is showing every sign of continuing to grow for the foreseeable future. Which means that you almost certainly need to include video marketing in your mix. Here's a quick introduction to what you need to do to make sure your video marketing is effective for you.
Choose your topic wisely
Video can rank in both Google and YouTube so you need to check both before you decide how much competition there is and therefore how much effort you'll need to put into promoting the video to get a decent return.
If YouTube has quite a lot of videos with the same - or similar - title as your proposed video that's a good sign (you can check the views to confirm that) but also means it will take more effort to rise above them. On the other hand if there are few - if any - competitng videos that will be easier to rank for but is almost certainly a much smaller market. Six of one, half a dozen of the other in a lot of case.
If Google doesn't have a video on the first two or three pages, that's maybe a good sign, maybe not. The phrase could be wide open for a video to storm onto page one or it could be a phrase where you stand almost zero chance of getting to the first page no matter how much you work on it.
I know I'm hedging my bets but there really are no hard and fast rules and you have to experiment.
That said, lower competition is normally easier to rank for and "lower" competition can be a bigger number for videos than regular written content.
Get the basics right ss
Make sure that the basics are covered in every video you upload:s
  • Video title - snappy, keyword rich, makes sense to humans
  • Video description - long enough for Google and YouTube to know what the video is about, including a link to a relevant page on your website and probably a link back to the video itself in case it gets scraped onto another site
  • Tags - the keywords for your video
  • Captions - correct the ones that YouTube generates automatically
  • Annotations - extra eye candy for your video and ideally a clickable link back to your site
  • Call to action - so that people know what they're expected to do once they've watched the video, rather than scooting off to watch another video on YouTube that isn't yours!
Ethically encourage views
Tweet about your video, add it to your Facebook page, consider adding it to your LinkedIn profile, pin it on Pinterest, embed it on your blog and maybe in Blogger, Tumblr, Squidoo, etc.
Because - even though it may go against the grain - if you don't shout about your video from the proberbial rooftops and let people know it exists, the chances are high that no-one else will either.
So the more you can do to ethically kickstart the views and likes, the better.

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