Tuesday, March 3, 2015

Getting Noticed Online With Video

Using Video To Get Listed Quicker on Search Engines
There's a lot of talk about "Search Engine Optimization" (SEO) these days. Even though all this does need to be done to get the most out of an online campaign, just one video will get you noticed quicker---and it will be much easier with the introduction of the new iPhone 4 (you can shoot, edit, and share HD video right on the phone!).
Combining images and audio is very powerful and very effective in getting your message across---and a great percentage of people will actually remember it.
Someone once said that we retain 10% of what we hear; 20% of what we read; 30% of what we see; 50% of what we hear and see; 70% of what we discuss; and 90% of what we do or teach.
So, as this shows, video is the most effective form of 'presentation' we have now---and after one experiences a video presentation, if you can get them to do something, that will almost 'cinch' an action related to your message. That is why advertisers still use TV commercials, since they know it still is a very effective method in communicating their client's message.
A "permissionTV" (now VisibleGains) study stated that 2/3 of senior marketing executives focused on web video campaigns in 2009---and more will do so in 2010.
Just look at how popular YouTube has become (and that Google paid $1.56B for it a few years ago). Video, combined with the distribution to the mobile phone, is going to be the next wave in marketing.
As high-speed Internet becomes more prevalent via "broadband" (computers) and "wireless" (phones)---which has been estimated to be installed in about 75-80% of the homes and business in the U.S. by 2012---videos will be available to more people, the costs to distribute them will go down, and it will 'suddenly' become an expected part of doing business. So, do it now, and be ahead of the curve!
Reduces Costs and Increases Customer Service
There are many different ways to use video in your marketing 'mix'---company overviews, executive summaries, product reviews, and talking-head welcomes. You can even combine the video with a presentation for a more effective online meeting, or develop a stand-alone interactive presentation that allows the user to focus on what they want at their own pace.
But, since people don't like to be 'sold', it is much more effective to show someone how to 'do' something---like fixing or putting something together, training someone on specific actions, or showing the details of something physical. Examples include adding memory to your computer, new employee training, and real estate walk-thrus---and things like PodCasts are a great way to distribute these in many different venues.
This reduces your costs and allows the customer to do it when they want to, rather than when your company customer service is available.
Your potential customer is searching for someone they can trust, and you're an unknown entity. Using video is the closest thing to actually being there, and one of the most effective methods in garnering that trust.
Different Types for Different Uses
Motion graphics is usually totally computer generated content like a 'slide show' or animation that usually has some sort of music or voice-over to give it interest and better explain the message. This allows you to create things that don't exist, or would be cost prohibitive to shoot video of.
Probably the most popular software package for this is Apple's Final Cut Studio, and it has an industry-leading component called "Motion" that is used by most leading-edge production facilities around the world, and most, if not all, of the Hollywood studios.
A more 'traditional' video would be called a "movie." This usually combines 'clips' from a video camera with graphics and music. Again, most high-end producers use Final Cut Pro for this, allowing them non-linear editing capabilities using a variety of different video formats, and then 'modularize' the presentation so it can be used in many different ways, and distributed via many different formats.
Levels 'Playing Field' for Small Business
One of the things video does is 'level the playing field' for small business---you can be perceived as an expert and 'look' like you are a much larger company than you really are. It also reduces the cost of 'sales-per-appointment' drastically.
Since video is multi-sensory, it engages the viewer to absorb more information quicker, and the user can review specifics by replaying it. It also presents a 'consistent' message, something hard to do with the 'personalities' of a sales force.
In addition to this, video accounts for over 50% of all web traffic---with more than 20% of all web traffic going to just one site (YouTube). With the introduction of the Facebook "Page," businesses will have another 'outlet' for their videos.
Even though video is still in its 'infancy', it's becoming very popular (especially with the increased capabilities of "Smart Phones"). It will also give you a lot better chance of getting 'noticed' in comparison to having just a web site---search engines are looking for new video content, and Google's "live news feed" in their search results features videos related to the request.
Just remember, today web surfers know what they want, and they want it quickly. So, present your video as one of the first things they see, and tell them they can find out within 2 minutes, whether or not you can help them.
You need to convince them what makes you different from other companies. So, definitely check out what your competition is doing---and do it better and quicker!
Cost Effective; Quickly Changed; 24x7
First off, it's very cost effective to distribute information, since your prospects and customers can easily download it. This saves you money.
Secondly, it can be changed quickly to respond to market changes and product updates. This keeps you ahead of your competition, in more ways than one---a video actually ranks you higher in search results. Not only are video results becoming more common in search engine results, but your video stands a much better chance of being shown on the first page than your text pages do. (Surveys have shown that a video has about an 11,000-to-1 chance of being listed on the first page, whereas a text page has a 500,000-to-1 chance!).
Thirdly, it's worldwide. You can expand your 'reach' and grow your business. Since it's available 24x7, so it doesn't matter where your customers are located---you can be selling and supporting your products and services while you sleep.
Coordinated Marketing Message
"Multimedia" is a term used to describe the combination of multiple forms of media. A company that is considered a multimedia firm, is one that has expertise in print and graphic design, video production, web site development, advertising, marketing, and sometimes even trade show displays.
Having been around for over 20 years in this industry, I would suggest you look for a firm that understands the strengths of each media, and what needs to be done to make sure the visual look and feel are coordinated between them.
Keep It Short and 'Sweet'
There are many methods for getting prospects to your web site, but it's only the first 'step' in online success. Getting them to take action is what you are doing all this for---to educate, engage, and solve their 'need' with what you have to offer.
One thing to remember is that creating an 'effective' web video takes more than just a camcorder and iMovie---it's a highly multi-disciplinary art that combines almost all computer graphics areas of expertise---creative 'storytelling'; graphics production; illustration; animation; titling; professional camera work; lighting; models and voice-over talent; musical integration; audio 'sweetening'; high-end editing capabilities; and an understanding of the best formats and compression to use for different distribution methods.
One of the other major mistakes people make is trying to say too much, thereby making the video too long. People are really busy and kind of 'impatient', so tell the viewer how long it is up-front. It's been shown that it should be no longer than two minutes, because there's even a worse 'backlash' when the presentation is either 'annoying' or too long.
So, even though in-steam video is much more effective, it can also be much more intrusive---so be judicious with it.
Rich Media and Web 2.0
You might have heard of the term, "Rich Media"---it describes the broad range of "dynamic motion" applied to static content that occurs over time. Examples can include things like streaming newscasts or stock 'ticker', or pre-recorded webcasts coupled with a synchronized slide that the user controls.
Another term you'll hear more is "Web 2.0," which will increase the security, collaboration, functionality, and creativity of the web. Sites like "Wiki," "Facebook," "Twitter," and "Flickr" are showing the first 'fruits' of this in the social networking arena. The future will see things like having interactive customer design and personalization of products, reducing material and labor costs, and getting the 'product' to the customer quicker.
With cell phones having become pretty much a common item for many people, there will be a larger 'push' to deliver content to the user in a more convenient and 'instantaneous' manner.
This medium is becoming so popular that there's a popular "viral video" TV show that shows what's most popular that particular week. This shows that the web is starting to be the 'originator' of content---something that was just recently 'relegated' to newspapers and TV exclusively.
There are also specific services available that are offering video-specific services. "Ramp.com"âEUR^(formerly "EveryZing"), converts video to text, and is ranking them like regular pages (kind of re-inventing Google's AdSense).
Seek Expertise
Of course, one can easily record something or someone with a digital video camera or a web cam, and upload it to a sites like YouTube, Yahoo and Google Video, Flickr, Photobucket, and Vimeo.
Maybe I'm being a bit biased, but my strong suggestion is to be sure you deal with an experienced, proven firm. There are many people that can do only certain portions of a project, or are just starting off and will promise much for very little. This usually doesn't turn out well. Just remember, this is your 'image', something that may have taken years to develop---and will take a lot more effort to 'repair' a bad image than it takes to create one!
The good thing is, there's many resources available on the Internet to give you an idea of what you need and how to do an online video.

Thursday, February 26, 2015

50 Benefits of Web Video and Video Email Marketing jhgj

1. Stand Out from the Crowd - While everyone's ramping up their budget to send plain text emails, you can send video emails to gain the competitive advantage.
2. Be Remembered - It has been proven that the combination of audio and visual stimulus increases retention.
3. Stay on the Cutting-Edge - Web video and video email are a staple of communication, they're not going to go away. Usage of this new medium will only increase.
4. Be a Leader in Your Field - Usage of web video is on the rise, but it hasn't yet hit the mainstream markets.
5. Put a Face to the Name - For the most part, people like to do business with people they know. Video emails let your prospects get to know you before you even meet them.
6. Capitalize on Your Greatest Assets... You and Your Team - Unlike copy, you and your team can produce marketing videos with little more than a $60 webcam. Sales copy can be expensive and time consuming to author. The difference between making a sale and losing a customer can often be as simple as adding the human touch - that's you and your team!
7. Improve Your Credibility - When people can see and hear you talking about the benefits of your products and services, they are much more likely to trust you. When you have trust, you have sales.
We all could stand to benefit from improved communication, and now with video email marketing techniques, and web video in general; we can make significant improvements in the way we deliver our message.
8. Say it Right the First Time - Unlike a live presentation, videos are recorded. This means you can record it once, and use it over and over again. So if your tired, under the weather, or even sleeping, you can send your prerecorded message and you know that it will be presented right.
9. Eliminate Confusion - We've all received that passive-aggressive plain text email from a colleague or friend. When we actually speak to them later, we find out that we were mistaken. This is due to the absence of nonverbal cues; for example, body and facial expressions.
10. Provide Better Customer Service - Videos can be produced quickly and easily, but the perceived value is so much higher than a phone call or plain text email. The end result, happier customers.
11. Connect with Clients and Prospects From Anywhere - Just like regular emails, you can send video emails to your next door neighbor or all away around the world with the click a button.
12. Reduce Calls to Customer Support - When you do a better job of addressing your customers' questions and concerns, you reduce the number of times they contact you for help. Web video allows you to communicate more effectively. Therefore, when you respond to customer questions with video emails, you can provide better answers, and your customers won't need to contact you as often.
13. Improve Consistency in Your Marketing - Consistent and clear marketing messages lead to customers and prospects who understand who you are and what you offer. When they're ready to buy, they'll likely think of you. With video email marketing, you'll have a library of every video you ever sent. Review them to ensure consistency and have your team review them as well. Now you're all on the same page.
14. Use Video to Educate - Arguably one of the best ways to sell is to take an informative tone with prospects. Teach them about things that interest them and help them in their businesses. Mix in content about how you fit into this without being pushy. If done right, your prospect won't even realize your selling them.
15. Reach Out to Younger Customers in Their Domain - The world we live in is constantly evolving and changing. Business and marketing is no different. The rise of the internet, and more recently web video, is undeniable. More people are watching videos online every day. Make sure that some of those videos are yours.
16. Introduce Cross Sells - Part of what makes video email powerful is the series of exit links located on the side of the video. When you record a video, you have the power to include links on the side of the screen that lead to whatever information you would like. This creates a great potential for soft-selling and calls-to-action. "Click the link on the right to take advantage of this offer today!"
Refining processes is one of the fastest ways to increase efficiency; leading to a significant savings in both cost and time. When you use web video, you not only refine the process, you enhance it. Plain text can only say so much. Video takes your processes via your message to the next level.
17. Prime Your Prospects Before You Meet Them - With video email marketing, you can incorporate videos into your routine that accelerate the sales process. When you speak with a prospect over the phone for the first time, ask for an email address and send him a video email instead of a plain text email. Now he's getting to know you, one of the first steps in making a sale, and you don't have to do a thing beyond pressing send.
18. Saying it is Easier Than Typing it - Great at speaking but not at typing? Even if you are adept at it, you could probably think of a more profitable, or enjoyable use of your time. With video email marketing, you'll reduce your time spent on the keyboard and improve comprehension simultaneously.
19. Automate Training of New Hires - Web video allows you to create training videos to automate yourself out of teaching the basics (and more). When you bring in a new team member, have them access relevant training videos at home or wherever. By the time they're ready to start, they'll have a solid foundation for growth, and you'll have a lot more time.
20. Reduce Repetitive Conversations - Do you ever feel like you're having the same conversations over and over again? Web video provides a simple solution. Record your responses and just email them to the people asking the questions. As time goes on, you'll have more and more answers in your library, freeing you from an increasing number of repetitive conversations.
21. Deliver Informative Content Quickly - Need to convey a complex idea or concept, but don't have long to do it. Make a habit of condensing ideas into short, informative videos. You'll save time and hold your viewer's attention better. You'll have more time to focus on other things and you'll have a higher prospect conversion success rate.
Emotions are a core part of humanity. People often make purchase decisions based on an emotional response. Video email marketing can capture the imagination of your prospects and clients in a way plain text cannot. With web video you'll have more time to enjoy the things that really matter because your videos will be working for you.
22. Spend More Time with Your Loved Ones - Video email marketing is as effective as it is inexpensive. With the time you save you can spend more time with those you care about and with the money you save on marketing, you'll be able to afford some time off.
23. Nurture Client Relationships - Relationships take time and effort. Strong relationships aren't built over night. With web video and video email, you can create videos to remind customers that you are thinking of them and that you care. Send videos to wish your clients a happy birthday, or to inform them of some new and interesting tidbit that you just learned. Building and maintaining relationships takes time, but with web video you can do more in less time.
24. Establish Rapport Automatically - Using a CRM system is a great way to increase your efficiency. When you integrate web video with your CRM, the product is automated video email marketing. Now, if a prospect visits your web page and signs up for your email list, the system takes over and you don't have to do a thing... except cash the check of course!
25. Make Them Feel Special - Making someone feel special is one of the fasted ways to convert them from a prospect to a client. Send a video, even a prerecorded one, and they're likely to feel they are getting special attention. And what did sending that video cost you? Nothing except the 2 seconds it took you to cut and paste the link and click send.
26. Build Trust Online - Try making a sale without building trust first. You'll likely have a hard time converting prospects to paying customers. Instead, try creating an intro video and a bio video. Send them to your prospects and let them get a feel for who you are and what you are all about. Your prospects will appreciate your patience (if you call a few days patience) and will likely reward you with their business.
27. Add the Personal Touch - The personal touch is that little extra that you do to show your customers and prospects that you care. It can be as simple as recording a video one time, and then sending that out to each new prospect you receive, or all of your loyal customers. How does that expression go? Give and you shall receive. What you get back is more business.
28. Put The Human Element Back in Your Marketing - Some people balk at the prospect of an increasingly wired world. Like it or not, it is our future. Video email marketing will allow you to reach out to these people like no other online method does. True, you could utilize traditional mediums, but who wants to spend the money when web video comes with a low, fixed monthly fee?
29. Connect with Friends, Family, and Loved Ones When You Travel - Just because you have to leave home doesn't mean you have to miss out on interacting with those you care about. Send a video email to remind them you care.
30. Enhance and Strengthen Affiliate and JV Relationships - Relationships are based on the interactions between two people. This is the same whether you're talking about client relationships or those with partners. Use web video to stay involved in the lives of your partners and you'll likely have a stronger relationship. Take the time to ask how things are going with a quick video email, and the response you receive may prove very useful.
31. Show that You Care - Nothing says that you care like taking time out of your day to connect. Time is our most valuable resource and something you can't take back. With web video, you can create non selling videos for the sole purpose of showing people you care. The best part is, you can do it once and then reuse it with all you clients and prospects. Now taking the time to say you care doesn't take much time at all.
Save time and make more money with web video. Put a dent in your To-Do list, or take time for yourself. What you do with the extra time and money is up to you.
32. Save Money - As far as benefits go, it doesn't get much simpler than this. Video email marketing is inexpensive. When you compare the cost with the value, the expense is inconsequential. You pay the same low monthly rate whether you send one video email or 10,000. Let's see you say that about a newspaper ad.
33. Create Canned Responses for FAQs - Creating canned web video responses to frequently asked questions will facilitate customer service and improve customer satisfaction. Record video emails to help customers and save the best responses to be reused. The best thing is that as you get better, your customer service gets better too.
34. Make Money While You Sleep - Video email marketing and web videos allow you to record a video once and reuse it indefinitely. Once a video has been created, it can be viewed any time, day or night. So whatever time your prospect decides to check her inbox, you're there waiting to make a sale.
35. Go Green-Want to help the environment and save money doing so? Save gas and money with web video. Using video email will allow you to filter prospects, ensuring that you only travel to meet with the most likely to purchase. You can easily save enough in gas to pay for your membership.
36. Save Time - Creating videos is like creating an army of clones with the sole purpose of helping you make more money. Your clones answer questions for you. They help train new employees. They sell prospects on the value of your product or service at 3 AM on the other side of the country. What are you doing while your clones are doing all these things for you? I don't know; that part is up to you.
37. Maximize Your Efficiency - Every video email you send that is reusable takes another task off your plate. The more reusable videos you record, the more time you'll save. Video email marketing will allow you to focus on the most valuable activities you perform.
Good marketing can be the difference between success and failure. Incorporating video email, and web video, into your marketing efforts will increase the impact of your copy exponentially. That being said, marketing is often expensive, and it can be hard to see the ROI on marketing dollars spent. Video email marketing allows you to fix your hard costs, regardless of the number of videos you send out.
38. Add the Wow Factor to Your Marketing - An easy way to Wow your customers and prospects is to send them a video. Web video allows you to create dazzling presentations and stimulate viewers in ways that are impossible with traditional email. Video email marketing gets reactions.
39. Add Professionalism to Your Daily Communications - Video emails allow you to appear more professional without added inconvenience or cost. Recipients will receive a video in their inbox that is surrounded by your name, phone number, and the name of your company. With the addition of a custom template, you'll be able to include your logo.
40. Generate Buzz - Web video is a hot topic in the media. When someone receives a video email, he or she often shows it to others. Each time they do, more people are being exposed to your message. The resulting buzz leads to interest in you and what your company does.
41. Capture the Power of TV Without the Expense - Video is powerful and when used correctly gets results. Consequently, you have to pay a lot of money to market yourself on this medium, but without any guarantees of who will be watching. With video email marketing, your videos are On-Demand. That means they're waiting in the recipients mailbox. Web video has the same benefits as video on TV, but doesn't have the cost or the limitations of time.
42. Take Your CRM to the Next Level - Do you use customer relationship management software? If so, you can continue to use it in the same way as before, except with the addition of videos. Simply include a link in the text of the email to send whatever video you want. You can use video to augment the written word or replace it. It's up to you.
43. Track Success Rates and Marketing Dollars - With web video technology, such as that provided by jiveSYSTEMS, you can see exactly how well your video message performed and measure success. You have the power to see how many people opened the message and how many actually watched the video. With the addition of a CRM system, you can then see how many people decided to buy after watching your videos. Now you know exactly where your marketing dollars are going and where you can improve.
44. Soft Sell Effortlessly- Exit Links, links located on the side of your video, put your message in front of prospects innocuously. While they watch your video, they are exposed to these links, which they may click on to learn more. People have become accustomed to doing their own research online, and this plays into that tendency. If you prefer, tell your viewers to click the link.
45. Maintain Top-of-Mind Awareness - Top-of-Mind Awareness is a great way to ensure that when potential customers have a relevant need, they think of you first. Web videos have no incremental cost, so you can make as many as you like; keeping your value and your message on the minds of your prospects. Send regular video emails to your list and inform them of your value.
Video email marketing has many individual benefits, as does web video. In this section, I will summarize some of the overall benefits of web video and video email marketing.
46. Sell More With Less Effort - When you capitalize on video email marketing and web video, you'll reduce your workload and improve your success rates, so when you do take the time to reach out to a prospect, you will have less wasted effort.
47. Generate More Referral Business - Customers refer people that they've had a good experience with. When you provide excellent customer service, you are more likely to have happy customers, and receive referrals. Since web video allows you to do more with less, it only makes sense that using it leads to more referral business.
48. Increase Profitability - Video email marketing allows you to reduce wasted effort dealing with prospects who never convert to paying customers. Such prospects drain your resources: time, money, and morale. Why not let your web videos handle these prospects while you focus on the ones helping you pay the bills?
49. Keep Clients for Life - If you keep your customers happy, they likely never leave you. It wouldn't make sense for them to. You take great care of them. You send them regular videos that show you care, and have a lot of informative videos on your customer service website. When they need more help than the videos provide, they can speak with a human on the phone, or via online video conferencing because your CSRs actually have time to talk to people. They're not bogged down with repetitive questions and tasks. As a result they're happier in their work and it shows. One of the first steps toward keeping customers for life is communicating with them. Video email is a great way to explain and to show that you care.
50. Create a Scalable Business Model - Through the use of video email marketing and a CRM, you can create a business model that ready for any level of growth, no matter how rapid. The last thing any businessperson wants to do is be caught unprepared for growth. The consequences of such a mistake would be catastrophic. So don't miss any opportunities. Use web video to handle your customer service, nurturing, and marketing efforts and you will be ready to handle any number of customers with minimal need for additional staffing.

Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Film and Video Editing May Be the Most Important Part of Making Movies

To the novice, film and video editing sounds like one of those completely technical subjects, only possibly interesting to people with very logical and pragmatic minds, much like engineers. Visions of darkrooms and sterile-looking studios filled with all types of inexplicable mechanical equipment, where rolls of film negatives are poured over and scrutinized by serious-looking people, then diced, sliced and spliced back together, somewhat completes the overall mental picture. Clinical, stark, precise. But in actuality, film and video editing is much more than celluloid or electronic image surgery. In fact, it's quite the opposite.
Think of it this way; someone shoots a video of your favorite cousin's wedding. The end product is a nice, mostly continuous documentation of the event, with abrupt starts and stops here and there when the main activity changes or moves to a different area or location that necessitates a different "shot". The end result is a compilation of pictures and sound that is considerably better and hopefully more memorable and satisfying than still photographs, but still leaves a lot to be desired.
However, if the same raw video was placed into the hands of a skilled editor, the end result would be quite different. The resulting piece would tell the story of the culmination of your cousin's three-year romance, as narrated by several key family members. It would capture and convey to the viewing audience the couple's wedding day emotions of love, and joy and appreciation for one another and family, anticipation of the new life the couple intends to create together, a bit of sadness for the life they are forever leaving behind, and so on. In other words, in the hands of a skilled editor, the video becomes a "story" with a beginning, middle and end; a cohesive synopsis of the couple's romance. A day in the life...
What most people not in the film or video industry don't realize is that film and video editing is an art form. Editing is arguably the most important element of film or video production. It is in the editing, the art of arranging pictures and dialog and sounds, that a finished film product is able to communicate a story first envisioned by its writer, and subsequently by a director and producer to its intended audience. Days, weeks even months of shots captured on film or video must be studied, interpreted analyzed and finally distilled into a story lasting a fraction of the time it took to capture it all.
People outside the film making industry have little or no idea about "post production" and the crucial part it plays in the production of a film or video work. It is because of the significant importance of this phase of film and video production that the process takes an extended amount of time to complete.
Much more that cutting and splicing pieces of cellophane together or merely arranging video sequence, editing is a wonderful blend of technical knowledge and skill combined with an artist's creativity and craftsmanship. It is moving, adding, deleting, juxtaposing, scenes, sounds, and images to develop film shots and video clips into a certain context, create specific imagery and timing, evoke particular emotion, create specific imagery and mold them into a story.
Film editing as a craft began in the late 1890's in the very earliest days of motion pictures. In the intervening years between then and now, anyone interested in learning about film or video editing, usually attended college courses or one of a number of reputable film schools to learn the craft.
In his book, "The Technique Of Film And Video Editing", considered one of the best teaching and training tools for directors , Ken Dancyger highlights the history of film editing from its origins. He speaks specifically about the editing of great cinematographers such as Alfred Hitchcock and Charlie Chaplin and Buster Keaton, taking a detailed look at the fundamental principles of film and video editing. He discusses ideas, practices and styles and choices for editors in the context of theory, the history of film and video editing, and practice. He also discusses new technology and the impact it has in terms of the art of editing.
One of the greatest changes to film and video editing occurred with the introduction of computer editing. Hand cutting and splicing of film, as well as the more complicated, mechanical and "linear" process of video editing, became tedious and outdated with the advent of computer editing in the early 1990's. Editing on computers gave rise to a whole new creativity prized by film editors, as well as lower costs and much more efficiency in terms of video editing.
Whether for film or video, the editing process occurs in three basic steps. These include capture, the editing process itself, and putting the product in a distributable form. During the capture phase, the actual "shots" or picture images are compiled into a format from which they can be edited. During the actual editing process, the collection of shots are organized in a desired sequence and sound is added through "sound mixing" until they form a comprehensive storyline. Once this has been accomplished, the film or video is finalized in the desired format whether film or high-quality video for distribution.
As technology continues to advance, the ways in which film and video are edited will continue to develop and progress. As it stands today, computers and user friend video editing software as well as the Internet have opened the doors to editing so that it is available to not only professional film and video editors. Now students of film and video and film making novices, as well as journalists, writers and the general public have unprecedented access to video editing tools. Several popular video editing programs make film and video editing possible for professionals as well as novice editors, including Avid Express Pro, Adobe Premier Pro, Sony Vegas, Final Cut Pro and Apple Final Cut Studio 2.
With today's technology and the advantage of personal computers, digital camera equipment and the availability of knowledge from new and increasingly powerful software programs, almost anyone with the desire, can learn film and video editing, produce commercial products and even feature movies from their home or personal studio.

Sunday, February 1, 2015

Video Marketing Makes Your Message Easily Digestible sadas

Benefits Of Video Marketing
Though there has been much confusion with Google's recent algorithm changes, in essence, according to Forbes contributor, Joshua Steimle, the Google team wants to know that you have authority in your niche and provide your readers with unique, high value content. There's nothing quite like a video to make this happen. In this article, we will show you the unique value video marketing has in your marketing campaign and how you can use it to exponentially grow your business.
Video Marketing reassures your customers
Many professionals live very, very busy lives. Too busy, in fact, to sit down and write their own blog posts. When a reputable doctor runs a busy practice, for example, it is unlikely he has time to sit down and write seven articles a week to post on his daily blog. And, while most professionals ensure the articles on their blogs include their expertise, when it comes to choosing a doctor or any other professional service, many consumers want a little more proof than just good faith.
With video marketing, your customers will feel much more comfortable hiring you or buying your products when they can see you present your products or services in a professional manner. And, in turn, statistics show your potential customers will thank you for this added reassurance: when a potential customer views a website landing page that includes a video, he or she is 1200% more likely to refer your services to a friend through a share. For just a little reassurance, that's a big thank you!
Video marketing makes your message easily digestible
Did you know that audiences remember 85% more content when it is given to them in video as opposed to article form? Why is this the case? Well, have you ever heard marketers talk about "bandwidth?" Put simply, bandwidth is the number of communication tools we use when we communicate. For instance, when we visit someone in person, to best understand the message, we gauge pauses, pitch, pace and tone. We also use sight, touch and even, on occasion, smell and taste to understand a message and its context. However, when we use the phone, our "bandwidth" is narrower because we cannot see the person or context, nor can we use many of our other senses to understand the conversation. Without these extra tools, we are less able to thoroughly understand the message.
Likewise, the more bandwidth you use when you market, the more your audience grasps your message. This is why video marketing is so effective. Instead of just being able to read text in an article, for instance, your customers hear and see the message, too. With this added bandwidth, your customers better retain the information in your ad.
Video Marketing creates customers
Rhythm Insights reports that 76% of marketers plan to dedicate more of their budgets to video marketing. Why? Because statistics show that video marketing creates customers. For example, an Australia-based retailer found that listings that included a video produced 43% more inquiries. Likewise, Comscore found that, in general, after viewing a product video, viewers were 64% more likely to purchase the product. Even more significantly, on average, by creating an enjoyable video, you will increase viewers purchase intent by a colossal 97%. Video marketing works. Period.
In summary, a good video will grab your audiences' attention, help them understand your brand value and make them feel comfortable with purchasing your product. Then, it will invite them to take the next step and purchase your product. So, take the next big step in growing your business: post a marketing video and, then, sit back and enjoy watching your business grow!
Abercorn Digital delivers value for our clients in any digital format, across all platforms, to every device, delivering world-class marketing solutions.

Thursday, January 29, 2015

Video Marketing Benefits - Top 10 Reasons to Repurpose Your Articles Into Videos

Want to attract more visitors from your articles?
Instead of rewriting your articles why don't you convert them into videos. Even if you've never tried this before don't worry, this article will give you the top 10 reasons why you should begin video marketing.
Top 10 Benefits of Video Marketing
1. Appeal to a larger audience
Not all your visitors prefer to receive content using text. Many prefer to watch, listen and read at the same time.
2. Avoid duplicate content penalty
The problem with written content is you have to keep writing new articles if you want to increase backlinks, search engine rankings and keep visitors coming back to your web site. Creating a video out of an article resolves the duplicate content issue because search engines index them differently.
3. Get more traffic
YouTube currently gets more traffic than Google. By producing lots of videos from your articles you capitalize on this opportunity. You can multiply this traffic by uploading your video to other video sharing sites. ie
Yahoo! Video
Google Video
4. Gain top search engine rankings
Currently not many marketers are using videos to get their web site  ranked on the first page of the search engine results pages. If you add videos to your marketing mix you may achieve top rankings in your niche.
If you enter "how to drive a car" in the Google search box several of the top search results are videos.
5. Viral marketing
If you create a valuable video your visitors love, they'll share it with there friends on MySpace, Twitter, Facebook. The viral effect of doing this will increase the visitors to your web site exponentially.
6. Inexpensive
You can use the software that's already on your computer to edit, convert and upload videos to video sharing web sites. The only major expense is the video camera however you could just use your digital camera as most of them include video capture capabilities.
7. Become recognized as an expert
Since there aren't many web site owners using video to market their web sites, you can easily become recognized as an expert in your field by producing lots of videos.
8. Increase the stickiness of your web site
Most visitors scan the content of a web site spending little time on it unless they find something captivating. Video engages their senses more than text thus keeping them longer on your web site. This helps build long term relationships with your visitors (especially if you make the video personal) which leads to more sales.
9. Branding
Building your brand helps your business to become the "go to" location for information in your field. If you're the only one in your niche using video marketing it will help brand your business.
10. Build trust
The internet is often seen as an impersonal place where it's hard to trust anybody because site owners don't provide any contact information and online scams are common. A video offers your visitors a very personal touch that helps remove the fear of doing business with you.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

How to Become a Video Chat Room Moderator

A chat room moderator or monitor as they are also known has a unique responsibility. They are in charge of making sure that the chat room is a safe place to chat in. Each day thousands of people log into the most popular chat sites. A room moderator has to watch not only what is being said in the chat room lobby page but if the chatting room allows webcams they also have to click on each individual cam to make sure that what is being broadcasted publicly in the room is allowed. This special role is not as easy as many people think. But how do you become a chat mod?
Before they are appointed as moderators they must apply. The first step in becoming a moderator is you must be a chatter of the room you want to monitor. So if you want to moderate for a room called "teen chat" you must chat in the teen chat room. You must also make sure that you meet all age requirements before you apply. If you are a teenager, you cannot apply for a room that is for people 18 years old and older. Same goes if you are an adult, you cannot apply for a teenage room. Spend a great deal of time chatting in your interested room. Make sure that other people get to know you really well. They can only do that if you chat consistently and engage others in the chat room. It helps if the other chat moderators and administrators know you. If you can become friends with them your application will most likely be approved. Make sure you familiarize yourself with the chat room rules and watch other moderators do their job, this will help you when you become a mod.
Once you are ready to apply, you will need to contact the chat room administrator, if there isn't any then contact the site administrator. You can do so via private message or email. Some sites have forums or message boards. Create a nickname preferably the same nickname you use in the chat room. Once you join the forums, search for the name of the administrator of the chat room you want to mod and message him or her. Search the forums too as sometimes there is a thread explaining who to contact and what to include in your application. Do not make a thread or post about wanting to moderate. This is frowned upon. What do you say in your application?
Some important things to mention are your nickname that you use in the chat room. Mention how much time you spend chatting in the room. This will demonstrate your activity level. Admins usually look for those who are most active. Tell them an approximate number of hours you can dedicate to moderating. Do not lie about the amount of time you can mod for them. Tell them what country you are from. Sometimes they may need people from different time zones who can cover different times. And lastly, tell them why they should pick you. Why do you stand out from others? Do you have experience? What skills do you possess that can make you a better mod than the applicant before you?
Will you be getting paid? No. All moderator position on chatting sites are voluntary. You will not be getting paid. You will be helping when you have time out of your day. What are some of the things chat mod do?
A chat mod as mentioned earlier is in charge of a particular chatting room or side room. They quickly scan the chat lobby and webcams to make sure everyone is chatting appropriately. If you see something that breaks the rules such as someone posting their email address in the main page, you will have to issue a few warnings asking the person to stop. Include the person's name in your warning and tell them what it is that they are doing that is not allowed. Here is an example: "Tom, please stop sending out your email address, that's not allowed and if you continue I may have to kick you out of this room." If they persist and you have issued multiple warnings you may proceed to kick the user out. A kick is a temporary ban. Once a person is kicked they will not be able to enter the chat room again until an admin removes the IP from the kicked list.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Video Production Services: Influences Sales of the Corporate Company

Most of the companies are relishing this modern concept of marketing as corporate video holds a direct and effective message that is designed to present the feature and qualities about the product and service of a company. It is true that companies are making the use of videos and short films for product demonstration and promotion, but it is very difficult for them to specially perform the task of producing their own promotional video. Therefore, they hire highly skilled and reputed company which provides corporate video production services. Such companies have skilled and dedicated team and cutting - edge equipments required in the production of the video.
A company's sole objective is to generate ultimate profit from the sales of their products and thus they follow various marketing strategies which involve physical stress and hard work, but the result might not be in their favor. It is better to hire a professional corporate film maker company who can offer you the productive corporate film that exceeds your reputation as well as sales.
• Visual helps in generating an impactful and positive image about your product or service among the diversified viewers.
• Corporate video should be produced with the motive that helps the viewers to understand the message that has been conveyed by the manufacturing company.
• Try to use more interactive and appealing concept to the video as the nature of corporate video is different from any other fictional film.
• A visual should be creative and contain emotional value.
• A production house delivers a quality corporate film that helps their client to induce their sales by promoting their product on the TV or internet.
The sole aim of such videos is to create an appealing and positive image among the viewers. In fact, a video is the intermediate between the company and the consumers. Thus, the intended concept of the company should rich exactly to the viewers the way you want. And thus corporate firms are vastly enjoying the video production services as they don't need to stress out on their traditional marketing concept. And a company can ensure its maximum sales without any risk. A single video offers a great extent to the valuable companies by exploring their product and services on the broader platform.
A corporate firm can easily hire a video production service provider company by researching the required information about their production scale and team members. A one minute video can generate impressive sales as well as helps you in building the strong position in the market.

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

The Benefits of Online Video Streaming

Video streaming has quickly gained popularity in the online world and is now the most sought after type of online content. There are many ways in which webmasters have chosen to distribute video content on their websites and the method that has shown the best results is Video on Demand (or VoD). This technology works by allowing users to access streaming videos via their web browsers. There are also many other ways in which you can make use of the streaming video technology. Once you find out exactly how it works, you will be able to come up with your own ideas for implementation.
Video on Demand is currently the most popular use of the video streaming technology. You can host video files on any server and they will become available to anyone who has a computer connected to the internet. This does not only benefit people who are looking to entertain themselves by searching for media online but it is also a very useful tool for schools and universities that give teachers and opportunity to present their courses with rich media materials. Better yet, students are able to access the media files anytime. This is great especially for universities practicing distance learning.
When it comes to distance learning, video on demand is a very good tool because it allows the user to pause and rewind the video in case he or she missed something. This is also the reason why video streaming is in some cases making the learning process more effective.
Video streaming can also be done live. This technology can be very useful for broadcasting live events such as premieres, live concerts, political speeches, etc. Live video streaming is also great as a security tool because it allows monitoring of remote locations in real time. This way anyone on the planet who has an internet connection will be able to watch a live broadcasting with this technology.
Video streaming is also doing great in the world of internet marketing. When it comes to marketing online, video streaming is one of the most powerful tools available, provided you know how to take advantage of this media. Just the way that television commercials are the best advertising media, the internet streaming videos can also be used to capture a large number of audiences.
However, users need to take on a different approach with their videos in order to capture online audiences. While on the television people only need to see flashy videos and catchy music to stop what they were doing and watch a commercial. In the online world things are rarely that simple. Here you need to get a little more creative. What you need is to create a viral effect with your videos. The so-called viral videos benefit from the best exposure in the online world. Videos need to be funny, creative and interesting in order to get people to watch them. However, even if you can't manage to put together a video that has any of these things, your internet marketing efforts will surely get a lot more attention from prospective buyers when you are making use of video streaming.
It is not enough to have a technical knowledge of how video streaming works if you want to be successful with video streaming online. You also need to get more creative and able to give your potential customers a better view of what you are selling. Good commercials are the ones that keep visitors curious and wanting to come back for more.
Whether you are looking to stream videos for teaching purposes or you are trying to advertise your product online then you will need to find a video streaming service. Although there are plenty companies out there that offer such services, the important thing is to make sure that they are reliable. It really can't be good for your business if the service is crashing frequently. Before actually investing in such a service you should first test out the company's services and see how responsive their support is. If you are pleased with them then make your purchase and begin streaming videos online.

Monday, January 19, 2015

How To Create Video Articles - 5 Easy Steps To Making Article Videos

Learning how to create video articles is easy yet many internet network marketers miss the opportunity to really drive home the advantage over their competitors and create them.
So what is a video article? Quite simply it's an article done in video format. It's that easy. It's voice over wording and while many video directories are cracking down on videos produced through automated programs, you can get ahead of the curve by producing your own voiced video articles.
Network marketing lead generation is cut-throat and having an advantage is vital. Generating leads through article videos is the perfect way to get a consistent stream of prospects beating a path to your door but you need to give them quality actionable content otherwise they'll soon retreat and head elsewhere looking for it.
We'll show you where you can get all the quality content you want but first, the three-step process to turning your written article into video.
How To Make A Video Article
1. Let's look at this article so far. We've completed four paragraphs and turning it into a video is simple. We will have at least four video pages.
2. The first paragraph would complete the first page.
3. In the second paragraph, take the first three sentences and display them on your screen. So you would display the following passage... "So what is a video article? Quite simply it's an article done in video format. It's that easy."
4. The third paragraph is quite long but take the first half of it and display it. So this would appear to the viewers... "Network marketing lead generation is cut-throat and having an advantage is vital. Generating leads through article videos is the perfect way to get a consistent stream of prospects beating a path to your door."
5. The fourth paragraph is short and can be displayed in its entirety.
So that's a simple demonstration of how easy it is to convert written articles into videos. You need to make sure you are delivering quality content otherwise your readers can switch off quickly. In fact, it's not really important how good your voice quality is but it's vital that the content being delivered is something the viewer will value because it brands you immediately and they can quickly decide whether you're someone they would want to further pursue as an information provider and teacher.
Use a free program on your computer like Power Point to create the display pages while you need to get a consistent supply of internet network marketing articles.
Want to know how to get internet network marketing articles

Wednesday, January 14, 2015

Creating Video Articles With Ease

Creating Video Articles is a fantastic way to increase your reach, make information more accessible to your readers and create interactive content for your students, consultants or employees. Creating Video Articles is a fast, easy and affordable way to provide multimedia content. Here's a "super-easy-tip" to get you started.
1. Write an article and print off the page so that you have it in front of you.
2. Next, open up PowerPoint or Word and create a single page or slide. Take care not to clutter your slide with too many words. It is most effective to either have a single comment or a captivating title and one brief comment. If you like, you can add an image, or if you prefer, simply use plain text. For the purpose of this "super-easy-tip" our video will show a single slide for the duration of the video.
3. For this Video Article use JingProject, a free Screen Capture Video Program that allows you to record up to five minutes of video for free! (See "Video Tips" below for detailed ideas and instructions on using Jing.)
OK - Open up Jing and capture your PowerPoint or Word Document while reading your article aloud. You can record up to five minutes worth of video with Jing. You may need to start over a few times but not to worry. Once you've done this a few times you'll become more comfortable with the process.
4. Now that you have your video, you can take the embedded code and post your video on your website or blog.
5. Congratulations - you just created your first Video Article!
There is a whole world of possibilities as to things you can do with video and with your video articles.
There are so many ways that you can turn your ideas and your content into videos. We talk about these and more at The Blog Station and at Internet Marketing on a Shoestring.com

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Video Marketing Strategies To Help You Earn More Money

Before the advent of videos on the web, the only way that you could achieve top rankings for your website was to use articles and webpages. You would have to create unique content that would be able to outrank your competitors, and also build back links to these pages so that you could achieve top rankings. Today, it's actually very easy to get multiple top rankings, sometimes first page rankings, for videos that will outrank articles almost every time. Here are some video marketing strategies that you can use to help you earn more money this year for whatever product or service you are offering.

The Basis Of Video Marketing Strategies

When most people think of video marketing, they are not sure why a video will rank at all. In reality, videos are not ranked by virtue of the content in the videos, but by the keywords in the content that is used in the title, description, and tags of the video. In a sense, they are ranked in the same way that articles and webpages are, but they have the advantage of being a video, something that Google likes to rank more than articles.

Description Video Marketing Strategy

When you add the description to the video, this is probably the most important thing that you can do. The reason that this is so important is because of how Google ranks videos. It looks at the content that you have on the video description in order to rank it properly. Although the tags, and the title, are also very important, Google is first and foremost a content ranking algorithm. By having unique content, usually between 300 and 500 words for each description that you write, you will be able to secure page-one rankings for almost everything that you do for long tail keywords. Be sure to scatter the keywords in a natural way, making sure that it flows. Google is becoming much more adept at reading content, which means, if it makes sense to you when you read it, Google will perceived in the same way.

Proper Tag Choices

The best way to choose tags, which are the keywords related to the video, is to look at other top ranking videos and use the same ones that they are. If you can provide better content, specifically in your title and description, if you use the same tags, you will be able to surpass the people that are currently ranking number one. By using this strategy, you can take advantage of not only how Google looks at content, but also what it believes to be the best tags to represent the top videos on YouTube and also the Google search engine results using these video marketing strategies.