Sunday, February 1, 2015

Video Marketing Makes Your Message Easily Digestible sadas

Benefits Of Video Marketing
Though there has been much confusion with Google's recent algorithm changes, in essence, according to Forbes contributor, Joshua Steimle, the Google team wants to know that you have authority in your niche and provide your readers with unique, high value content. There's nothing quite like a video to make this happen. In this article, we will show you the unique value video marketing has in your marketing campaign and how you can use it to exponentially grow your business.
Video Marketing reassures your customers
Many professionals live very, very busy lives. Too busy, in fact, to sit down and write their own blog posts. When a reputable doctor runs a busy practice, for example, it is unlikely he has time to sit down and write seven articles a week to post on his daily blog. And, while most professionals ensure the articles on their blogs include their expertise, when it comes to choosing a doctor or any other professional service, many consumers want a little more proof than just good faith.
With video marketing, your customers will feel much more comfortable hiring you or buying your products when they can see you present your products or services in a professional manner. And, in turn, statistics show your potential customers will thank you for this added reassurance: when a potential customer views a website landing page that includes a video, he or she is 1200% more likely to refer your services to a friend through a share. For just a little reassurance, that's a big thank you!
Video marketing makes your message easily digestible
Did you know that audiences remember 85% more content when it is given to them in video as opposed to article form? Why is this the case? Well, have you ever heard marketers talk about "bandwidth?" Put simply, bandwidth is the number of communication tools we use when we communicate. For instance, when we visit someone in person, to best understand the message, we gauge pauses, pitch, pace and tone. We also use sight, touch and even, on occasion, smell and taste to understand a message and its context. However, when we use the phone, our "bandwidth" is narrower because we cannot see the person or context, nor can we use many of our other senses to understand the conversation. Without these extra tools, we are less able to thoroughly understand the message.
Likewise, the more bandwidth you use when you market, the more your audience grasps your message. This is why video marketing is so effective. Instead of just being able to read text in an article, for instance, your customers hear and see the message, too. With this added bandwidth, your customers better retain the information in your ad.
Video Marketing creates customers
Rhythm Insights reports that 76% of marketers plan to dedicate more of their budgets to video marketing. Why? Because statistics show that video marketing creates customers. For example, an Australia-based retailer found that listings that included a video produced 43% more inquiries. Likewise, Comscore found that, in general, after viewing a product video, viewers were 64% more likely to purchase the product. Even more significantly, on average, by creating an enjoyable video, you will increase viewers purchase intent by a colossal 97%. Video marketing works. Period.
In summary, a good video will grab your audiences' attention, help them understand your brand value and make them feel comfortable with purchasing your product. Then, it will invite them to take the next step and purchase your product. So, take the next big step in growing your business: post a marketing video and, then, sit back and enjoy watching your business grow!
Abercorn Digital delivers value for our clients in any digital format, across all platforms, to every device, delivering world-class marketing solutions.

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