Thursday, December 25, 2014

Getting Your Video To The Top Of Search Engines

Online video marketing has become the wave of the future. If you need to get your content to the top fast creating video is the way to do it. While optimizing website links may take months if your efforts are not consistent video can get you to the first page almost instantly. There are many advantages to optimizing video for search engines. One being that your customers would rather have a sales pitch delivered in the form of a video than a web link. To get your web marketing video noticed it needs to reach the top of the search engines and here are three steps that you can take to do so.
1. Create a Google+ page
To get your video to the top of search results one thing that works exceptionally well is creating a Google+ page. You need Google+ to make comments on YouTube videos so get yourself a page. The best way to optimize the page is to put as much text as you can inside the about me section. Write sub-paragraphs to target all of your keywords and use the link text. A lot of people may over-look how important this is but I assure you that text is the currency of content and the richer your pages are the better your pages will do in search engines.
2. Create a YouTube Channel
Make yourself a YouTube channel and target keywords from there. Call your channel your most competitive keywords. Use YouTube's page rank to get your video to the first page. When you up load your video target the same keywords to double the effectiveness. YouTube also let's you have link text to target keywords from their website. Make sure you give your channel a description and fill it out.
3. Write Articles
For any web link that you're trying to promote you need another website to vouch for you. The number one way to do this is to write articles. Writing articles is great advertising, a fantastic way to build page rank and a great way to build credible back links which search engines reward you for. Use the resource box to sell your services and promote your link. When you create a hypertext from the article resource box, make sure that you put the keyword that you're target otherwise it's not going to do you any good. Having links point at your link is never a bad thing but hypertext is how you tell the search engines what keywords you're targeting.

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

Video Marketing Strategies To Help You Earn More Money

Before the advent of videos on the web, the only way that you could achieve top rankings for your website was to use articles and webpages. You would have to create unique content that would be able to outrank your competitors, and also build back links to these pages so that you could achieve top rankings. Today, it's actually very easy to get multiple top rankings, sometimes first page rankings, for videos that will outrank articles almost every time. Here are some video marketing strategies that you can use to help you earn more money this year for whatever product or service you are offering.
The Basis Of Video Marketing Strategies
When most people think of video marketing, they are not sure why a video will rank at all. In reality, videos are not ranked by virtue of the content in the videos, but by the keywords in the content that is used in the title, description, and tags of the video. In a sense, they are ranked in the same way that articles and webpages are, but they have the advantage of being a video, something that Google likes to rank more than articles.
Description Video Marketing Strategy
When you add the description to the video, this is probably the most important thing that you can do. The reason that this is so important is because of how Google ranks videos. It looks at the content that you have on the video description in order to rank it properly. Although the tags, and the title, are also very important, Google is first and foremost a content ranking algorithm. By having unique content, usually between 300 and 500 words for each description that you write, you will be able to secure page-one rankings for almost everything that you do for long tail keywords. Be sure to scatter the keywords in a natural way, making sure that it flows. Google is becoming much more adept at reading content, which means, if it makes sense to you when you read it, Google will perceived in the same way.
Proper Tag Choices
The best way to choose tags, which are the keywords related to the video, is to look at other top ranking videos and use the same ones that they are. If you can provide better content, specifically in your title and description, if you use the same tags, you will be able to surpass the people that are currently ranking number one. By using this strategy, you can take advantage of not only how Google looks at content, but also what it believes to be the best tags to represent the top videos on YouTube and also the Google search engine results using these video marketing strategies.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Ableton Live - Advice For Video Editing

While Ableton live remains the premier music production tool in the industry, it has some video editing capabilities, too. Deejays and singers are, by necessity, performers and including a backing music video to shows can really enhance the audience's experience. It's been used as a video editor by many artists and while it's not capable of achieving a large variety of wipes and effects, it's adequate for those in need of a simple video which follows a music track, and is quick to put together.
Videos In No Time
With other video editing software, a two minute video usually takes a minimum of 2 hours to create. In Live it's possible to create in half an hour. Deejays and performers whose talent lies in their music production will value the simplicity and ease of video creation using software they already have installed on their computers. Musicians who don't have the time to create complex visual streaming are able to achieve adequate results. While the software developers make no claims regarding Live as a video editor, it certainly has this possibility.
Requires QuickTime
The software does need QuickTime to function. Those who don't have it are able to download freeware which converts files into the correct format using codecs. The best rendering format to use for image quality and size is the photo-jpeg. Most other formats are either too large or don't have high enough picture quality.
File Formats
Photo-jpegs are also frame accurate which further suites them to in sync video creation. Because the software doesn't use key frames like other editing software, they can be stopped anywhere and 'scrubbed' back and forth for effect. This is done without excessive CPU usage.
If animation is preferred, an animation codec can be used. The codec is not CPU intensive. However, lower quality parameters must be used here to avoid slow playing.
Simple Sync System
The advantage this software has over other editors is that images can be streamed to change in exact sync with music in no time at all. Videos are arranged according to beats and bars. It can be used in conjunction with other editing software to create effects.
The program plays videos in layers, with the bottom layer playing first and so on. Once every video track has been saved individually, the rest should be deleted. Each video track is then exported separately. It's at this point that other effects from alternative software are added.
Easy To Master
Those who are well versed in using the software for music production will be able to produce better videos as they are created in the same way. All other programs must be closed before use as certain other video editing programs can interfere with operations. The easiest files to edit are smaller photographed images and animations. These are unlikely to suffer any buggy performance.
The most important aspect of any music video is its content. Musicians who are visually creative will therefore have no problem using their Ableton Live software to produce an interesting video that will enhance their performance. Artist presence can be improved on the internet with postings to video sites, too. With any luck, perhaps they'll go viral.

Monday, December 8, 2014

Internet and Businesses Online: Video Marketing Article Category

This article will discuss video style tips needed for a video production. In creating videos, the producer should know which style they are adopting and the theme for the video.
5 Reasons Why Videos Are The Hottest Marketing Tools
Online video is becoming a first stop for many customers. If you own a small business or are in business for yourself, there's too much evidence to ignore showing online video marketing as a viable marketing tool and reputation builder.
Relevance Of Online Video Marketing For Business
In the world we live in today, one of the most popular and most effective Internet marketing means is online video marketing and this has been proven by the massive popularity that video sharing sites like YouTube have gained. Most website owners now see the main reasons why they need to upload videos on their sites and why they need to embrace online video marketing means.
The Changing Video Production Industry
The media production industry is changing and changing fast.. The cost of purchasing production equipment has decreased dramatically over the past 10 years. There was a time when the cost of entry into the industry prohibited those without experience and talent from competing. Now with the lower equipment costs, it is affordable for anyone to hang a sign and call themselves a video producer.
5 Reasons You Need an Online Video
Look around you, everyone's online one way or another. People have got their heads down checking their email, scrolling through Facebook on their phones, opening links to webpages for three different sites at once. There's no avoiding it, staying current means being active online but here's the catch: it's not enough. Tweeting updates about your company's latest sale just doesn't cut it anymore. Video is crucial to your online presence for five simple reasons.
Professional Video Production - Choosing The Best Team
Corporate videos or videos that are business related and meant to pass a serious message need to be given all the attention they require if at all they are to fetch the desired results. A video with a poor script and volume will never do you justice, especially considering how easy it is for such a video to lose the interest of your viewers. The truth is that a high quality one can make all the difference for you, especially when you are trying to attract potential new customers or when you want your video to go viral. It can all rely on the professionals you select and what they can do for you.
5 Tips for Choosing the Right Internet Video Production Equipment
With so many benefits of Internet video production, it is wise for any company to get online. However, the equipment purchasing phase can be intimidating. With a few helpful hints, you can be on your way to supplying the office with everything needed for in-house filming.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Video Production Business Tips - Starting a Video Production Business

A good friend of mine called some time ago to pick my brain about starting a video production business. He and I graduated from the same college with the same degree but his life and career took him down a much different path than mine. He has done well for his wife and 3 kids but has always had the itch for getting back into video production.
During our phone conversation, I was reminded of how hard it is to start a new business, especially a new video production business when you have a family that depends on your income. The truth of the matter is that you have to be in a position to lose for a while before you will start to win. You have to spend money for a while before you will start to earn enough money to make a living.
Here's the condensed version of the advice I gave my friend:
1. Research your market. Find the need. Fill the need.
What are the other video production companies in your area? What type of clients do they serve? If there are 10 wedding videographers and 0 corporate video production companies, then you should seriously consider being the first and only corporate production company in your area. If there are 10 corporate video companies and only a few wedding videographers, you should lean more towards wedding videography. If it's about the same in both categories, consider serving both markets or simply choose the type of work you prefer to do.
I researched online while I was on the phone with my friend. After looking at the competitor's website, I learned that this company wasn't producing good work. The quality of their website was poor and their wedding demo was even worse.
With that in mind, I suggested to my friend that all he'd have to do to get out of the gate in a hurry is make sure his site looked better than theirs and that his wedding demo did the same. He is a talented shooter/editor so creating a better demo won't be a problem.
The other side of the equation is that this competitor doesn't do any corporate video work so my friend could be the one and only corporate video production company in his town. At this time, the corporate clients get all their production projects done out of a larger city about an hour from there.
2. Plan to Lose Money.
After the research proved that there is plenty of opportunity for another production company in his area, we discussed how he'd handle the cash needs for both his new business and personal obligations. The reality is that it could take as long as two years to generate a large enough client base to reach the salary he makes in his current line of work. Knowing this up front, he has to figure out how he's going to pay all the business and personal bills until his company can support both.
He can work full-time or part-time for someone else in order to support his income and spend the remaining time to build his video production business. He can also loan from a bank or find an investor to finance his business.
3. Pull The Trigger!
Let's face it. Starting a video business is probably the hardest thing you'll ever do. Keeping your head above water is equally as challenging. However, you can't be successful as a video business owner until you take the first step. If you have decided that this is something you definitely want to do, THEN DO IT!
Don't waste any more time. Every day that passes is a day that you can either be working towards building your own asset (your business) or working to build someone else's asset (someone else's business). I'll tell you from experience that you will make mistakes - a lot of mistakes. But the only way you can learn from those mistakes is to hurry up and make them.
The advice I gave above isn't anywhere near the information you need to start and run a successful video production business but it should give you a few things to think about. Find the easiest entry point in your market (wedding, corporate, etc.), figure out how you are going to pay the bills while you are building the business in the first year (full-time job, part-time job, bank loans, investor) and finally, pull the trigger!

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

The Erect Penis Show - Making a Masturbation Video

A quick glance through any amateur porn site reveals a perhaps-obvious fact: just about every man likes to show the world his erect penis. Whether straight or gay, there's a great desire to put on display one's tool and let others admire it, whether through still shots or a video. And with the video option, there's often a further desire to masturbate that erect penis. Penis pride is understandable, but to really be proud of one's tool, a man needs to make sure he's practicing appropriate penis care so that his equipment looks its best when put on display for the world to see.

Since so many men are showing the world what their fists are up to on a regular basis, it's a good idea for a guy to put a little thought into things before he makes and shares his glorious masturbation video. (This is all assuming, of course, that the man in question is going to share said video in ways that do not violate any laws. That should be his primary consideration!)


First and foremost, a man needs to decide if he wants to be identifiable from this disclosure of his playful fondling. For many men, the answer is an immediate "Yes": part of the thrill or attraction involves being identified personally with his penis. Yet even these men should take a minute to weigh the consequences: Will he be embarrassed if certain people he knows see this? Could it have any effect on his current or future employment? Those who don't wish to be identified need to position the camera so that their faces are not shown, wear a facial covering of some sort, or digitally obscure their faces.

How to film

- Will this be a selfie, or has a friend agreed to run the camera for the man as he masturbates? A cameraperson can help add some smooth visual moves, but a selfie may be more practical.
- Is the focus to be pretty much on the equipment itself, or more of a full body shot? If tightly focused on the johnson, try experimenting with a few camera angles: for men concerned with such matters, shots from slightly below, looking up at the penis make the tool appear larger.
- Is there lighting? This can also be very helpful; most people don't have access to professional lighting, but a guy can play around with the lamps and flashlights in his house to see which ones cast the best shadows or illuminate body parts in the most flattering way.

- Will there be a "money shot" (I.e., an ejaculation captured on film)? If so, plan for it; guys who shoot loads that go long distances may want the camera to be placed in the way which will best capture that. Those who tend to pour in a more contained manner may want to move the tool in for a close-up during release.

- What about costuming? Is the man going fully nude? Leaving the shirt on? Dropping trousers to the ankles or just pulling his manhood out from behind the zipper?

- Is this a silent or a talkie? Heavy breathing, moaning or talking dirty to the camera can be very effective, but many men feel uncomfortable doing this in front of a camera; there's also the possibility that a vocal contribution may lead a man who wishes to be anonymous to be recognized.

Monday, December 1, 2014

Disadvantages Of Playing Video Games

Games have become part of our daily lives, and admit it or not, your day won't be complete without playing your favorite diversion However, parents need to keep an eye on their children while playing games. Yes, game addiction may not be as harmful as alcohol or drug addiction but game addiction is still a type of addiction.
Today, almost everyone has their own personal computer and video consoles. Children today are more attached to games compared to television. The Internet provides them with thousands of games to choose from and can vary from educational, to developing problem solving skills, and even becoming a criminal. Although this is just a play, our children still need proper guidance when it comes to violent recreations.
Aside from violence, another disadvantage of being addicted to games is that they are becoming very addicted to games up to the point that they will even skip school just to play their favorite match. Some people will even skip meals just to play, which we all know is not good for one's health. The recent world health survey shows that the number of obesity is increasing exponentially and the number one reason for this is gaming.
People who are too attached with games forget about their health, they stop exercising and eat junk foods while playing. The worst part is, some people are too addicted with this recreation that they forget about the difference of real life and in-game life, and this is the result why there are children who are performing "out of this world" acts.
If you don't want these things to happen to your children, you need to guide them and limit their time for playing games. Although these games may be helpful for them sometimes, the risks of them getting addicted to games are too high, and you, as a parent, should be responsible for their health and well-being.

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Adding Video to a Microsoft Word Document and Converting to PDF

It's truly amazing what we can do on our own computers in our own homes. Who would have ever thought we would be embedding video into a Microsoft Word document to then convert to a PDF file. Wow this sounds technical and most people will presume that you need to be a genius to figure this procedure out. Well you don't. Here's a quick tutorial for you:
What do I need to embed video into a Word document and convert it to PDF?
1. You will need Word 2007, although you are welcome to try this on Word 2003.
2. You will need a full version of Adobe acrobat installed on your computer.
3. You will need a video saved on your computer to embed.
How to embed video into a Word document and convert it to PDF?
Firstly you will need to have both Word 2007 and Adobe Acrobat reader installed on your computer for this tutorial to work.
1. Open Microsoft Word and click on the Office icon in the left, top corner. A menu will open.
2. Click new to open a new document.
3. In the ribbon menu click on the insert tab.
4. Click on the Embed video icon.
5. Click on browse to find the video clip on your computer.
Embedding a video file into your Microsoft Word document might sound like a difficult task and you are probably asking "Why would you want to do that?". Even then going on to convert it to a PDF file after embedding the video seems daunting. Hey, but do not panic, it's easy!
This process will add your chosen video clip to your Word document. Now to save the document as PDF is the next step.
1. Simply go to the menu at the top left and choose "save as".
2. Then you can choose to save as a PDF or an Adobe PDF.
What would you want to embed video into a Word document and convert it to PDF?
Even though embedding a video into a PDF can make the file size extra large, the effect out weighs the size. Imagine having a PDF report with a video embedded or even an Ebook. This would also make a great presentation for work. I am sure you can think of a million ways to put this handy trick to good use.

Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Advantages and Uses of Video Conferencing

Uses of Video conferencing
Video conferencing can be used in a host of different environments, which is one of the reasons the technology is so popular. General uses for video conferencing include business meetings, educational training or instruction and collaboration among health officials or other representatives. Thus far video conferencing has been used in the following fields:
- Telemedicine
- Telecommunicatio
- Education
- Surveillance
- Security
- Emergency Response
Advantages and Benefits of Video conferencing
Perhaps the biggest advantage or benefit video conferencing has to offer is the ability to meet with people in remote locations without incurring travel expenses or other expenses associated with face to face communication. Business meetings, educational meetings, healthcare conferences and more can all be easily conducted thanks to video conferencing technology. Individuals living in remote areas can also use video conferencing to keep in touch if you will, with the world at large.
More people are easily accessed and contacted using video conferencing. Because of this technology information and knowledge are often disseminated at more rapid rates, and collaboration between people occurs more willingly and freely. Students can take advantage of video conferencing to take classes at distant locations that would normally be unavailable. They can also take classes that will accommodate busy schedules.
Video conferencing can stimulate better brainstorming, knowledge sharing and information gathering. Businesses can use video conferencing to provide presentations to key members of an organization or to solicit new clients in a professional manner, regardless of their location. The possibilities for communication are virtually endless thanks to video conferencing technologies.

Tuesday, November 25, 2014

How to Write a Music Video Treatment

To learn how to write a music video treatment, you will need to understand the components of music video treatment writing. Treatments for a music video require special handling as compared to treatments for movies, teleplay or plays at the theater. Also known as video concept, video treatment for music provide a briefing of what the video will be about. It could describe an artist performing before an audience or by himself. It is also possible to have a simple story with feet-tapping music built into it. If you have creativity and an understanding of how to create an image or persona, you will be better prepared to understand how to write a music video treatment.
A treatment for music describes the sequence of events and examines the different dimensions such as the location, situation, a possible story, pace, images, tone and feel of the video. It is all-encompassing and has to be done with the utmost care. By mastering how to write a music video treatment you can convey the whole idea to the artist and all the people connected with production of the video. The writing of treatments explores another angle; the important angle of the budget required and suggestions on the means to procure the funds. An accurate estimate allows for meticulous planning and knowledge what the entire project will entail. To break into the business of video treatment writing you have to be conversant with the trade secrets of how to write a music video treatment. There are three main entities involved:
1. The Record Labels
2. The Production Companies
3. The Directors
Each one has a definitive task to perform. The record label approaches several production companies and directors with a proposal. This sets the clock ticking. The companies and directors with ample knowledge of how to write a music video treatment place their bids to undertake the project. Generally the treatment is composed by the director himself but due to the high pressure of the job, directors hire professional music treatment writers to shoulder the responsibility. Another reason for them to seek professional writing help could be that they may not be efficient writers. A music treatment should include the following components:
1. Selling - The treatment should convince the production company that the project is worth taking up. If the party is convinced of its merit, they will be more likely to provide funding.
2. Image - Descriptiveness and visual effects are crucial. Use present tense and relate every verse of the song with the overall effect of the music. Suggest how the artist is will be portrayed and the setting of the video.
3. Budget - The effects to be included in the video will determine the budget to be allocated. A proposed effect that is simple is inexpensive and can be safely used in the initial attempts when writing music video treatment.
Follow these tips for music treatment writing and you will increase your success rate. Most music videos are a collaborative effort. Consider working with a music video treatment writing service.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Four Tips to Get Your Online Marketing Video Noticed

Once, online video was a novelty. Today, there is a titanic flood of online video, a testament to its immense popularity. What enabled this flood was the widespread availability of high-speed, broadband internet access. Ground Zero for this explosion in online video is YouTube, which was launched in 2005 and purchased by internet search giant Google in 2006
So serious is online video's impact that Google offers top ten rankings to those videos that have received enough user votes - no matter where the videos come from, or what they contain. Today's marketing budgets need to be aware that a top ten ranking in Google on certain competitive search keywords can easily run the cost in money and time to the six figures and beyond.

If you haven't engaged in online video production for your business, consider that at the absolute least, submitting a small number of videos to the various video sharing sites such as YouTube will increase your website's traffic because you can advertise that site's URL in the videos and video page. Make sure you use the complete format for your link and viewers of your videos can be at your website in less than a second after seeing your videos.

What are some ways to get those viewers and raise your profile above the video flood? Here are four tips:

1) Share your video as a response.
Browsing YouTube will bring you in 'content contact' with videos that have high viewership. Look for other videos that connect in some way to your video. You can be creative with the association, but there should be a plain connection. Post the URL of your video as a Video Response to the high-traffic video in order to "coat-tail" some of the popular video's traffic and bring it to your own video.

Sunday, November 9, 2014

Tips To Shoot Better Video With Your GoPro Hero 4

Creating great videos takes practice, and whether you are hoping to become a professional photographer or you simply want to take great home videos, you need practice. While it is important to practice, it is equally important to choose the best equipment that you can afford. With the latest model GoPro Hero 4, you can shoot great video for your collection. Learn great tips on how to take movies that you will enjoy watching for a long time to come.
Using the zoom function
One common mistake that people make is overusing the zoom feature. The result of this is amateurish looking videos that can make the viewers dizzy. If you have to zoom in and out, do it slowly and make sure that you are steady. If possible, you should avoid using the digital zoom and instead use optical zoom. While this might not get you as close as you would like to your subject, you will benefit from better video quality.
Framing your shots well
Make sure that you fill the frame with the subject. You can place the subject slightly off-center to make the scene more visually interesting. Use wide shots very sparingly and rely more on wide sweeping shots of your setting if you want to show the location. Focusing on the small details will allow you to convey the atmosphere more effectively.
Choosing vantage points
You should shoot the video from several vantage points to capture the best footage. This will give you an interesting mix of a range of shots, and it can help to heighten the drama of the best moments. You should use the best shooting angle depending on your environment. This means that you might need to kneel down or climb high depending on the scene you want to capture.
Consider the lighting
Lighting is very important when shooting video. Avoid backlighting when shooting your subjects to avoid hiding the facial features and expressions. Moving from one side to another will help you to deal with the lighting situation. When shooting outdoors, you should think about the best time to take the shots. The best cameras have features that allow you to cut effects of backlighting.
It is a good idea to record only the best moments unless you plan to edit the video extensively. GoPro Hero 4 comes with features and functions that allow you to adjust the recording mode. Avoid overusing special effects when filming important scenes and remember that using the best camera will go a long way in giving you the results that you want.

Monday, November 3, 2014

Benefits of Video Resume Over Traditional Resumes

Everybody have their dream job and a dream to establish their career. It may sound easy but is not, an individual has to go through a long difficult process to reach their destination. Firstly when you apply for any job, a perfect resume has to be created. Nowadays paper resumes have been taken over by video resume. A video resume is a way for job seekers to showcase their abilities beyond the capabilities of a traditional paper resume. It allows prospective employers to actually see and hear the applicant's capability and how he presents themselves. Such a resume is growing in popularity because of the modern capabilities of transmitting streaming video via the internet. They are now being widely accepted by companies throughout the world for varying professions and the need for objectivity in these videos is becoming a serious issue.
Recording is not a difficult task. All you have to do is get a digital camera or any common camcorder and find a suitable place where you can record your video. Through that, you can easily present yourself and show your skills which paper resume fails to portray. It is specifically suitable for candidates who want to establish themselves in an acting, singing or sports career. This is because the employers requires to view their practical experience before choosing them and it is only possible with a video resume and not paper resume. Even when the case is about checking candidates communication skills then it is much easier to determine this using such a resume.
It has also been proved that sorting through video resumes is ten times more efficient than screening a candidate based on a traditional paper resume. There is far more information available when you can see a full auditory and visual response to a given question. A paper resume just leaves a question mark and a bit of doubt in the employer's mind.
These are some of the benefits of video resume over traditional resume and there is not doubt that employers prefer video resume over traditional resume because it is a quick tool which speeds up the screening process and employer can gauge the professional abilities like presentation skills, self projection and body language.

Thursday, October 30, 2014

How to Embed Videos on Your Facebook Wall

As a web developer who works with a lot of video content online, I'm often asked the question "how do I embed videos on my Facebook wall?", to which I answer "Facebook doesn't allow video embedding in profiles but I'll show you the next best thing."
The reality of it is, Facebook has become far more popular than MySpace now and at it's peak, the majority of MySpace users had at least one video embedded on their profile, whether it was a MySpace video or a YouTube video. Now that these MySpace users have jumped ship to the other social networking site with the little blue icon, they'd like to have the same privilege of embedding video on their Facebook profile page.
So how do you do it?
OPTION 1 - posting the latest music videos on your Facebook wall and in your friends' news feeds
  • find a website that supplies free viewing of the latest, most popular music videos by doing a search engine search of the following terms: - "urban videos" - "free music videos toolbar" - "grime music videos"
  • find the video of your choice on that website and make sure the video has a "share on Facebook" button. If not, then go back to the previous stage until you find a website that enables Facebook video sharing
  • click the "share on Facebook" button and it will open up a Facebook window asking you to log in
  • enter your login details and click the "post to profile" tab... Feel free to enter comments that will appear alongside the video on your profile
  • click "post" and that's it, the video is on your profile! It'll also show up in all of your friends' news feeds
OPTION 2 - posting any YouTube video on yours or a friend's Facebook wall using the "share a link" method
  • browse for a video of your choice
  • go to your browser address bar, select the entire website address (URL) for theYoutube video page and right-click/apple-click and select "copy"
  • now log into Facebook and go to yours or a friend's profile
  • click the "share link" tab near the top of the page, then right-click/apple-click and paste into the text box displayed
  • click "preview" then "post" and VOILA... the video is now embedded on yours or your friend's Facebook wall
These steps in option 2 can be repeated using various free video websites other than YouTube, as long as that website is an official Facebook share partner.

Monday, October 27, 2014

IP Video Security - Buyers Guide to High Definition Video Security

IP Network Cameras have to be considered in any CCTV Video Surveillance project today as high definition IP Cameras are being introduced in the market at a rapid rate. IP camera systems starting entering the market at a significant level 2 years ago and today we are benefiting from severe price reductions and better yet, High Definition Video Surveillance has arrived in full force. With resolutions reaching 2560 x 1920 in 5 megapixel cameras for video surveillance, real-time High Definition Video has Finally Arrived!
High Definition means massive video volume and Network integration. The evolution of Hard Drive Technology (i.e., cost and performance) and the simplicity of Network Architecture in today's IP LAN world make IP Network Video technology a major step for Video Surveillance. The result is high definition video on Video Security systems just as you experience HD at home television. HD IP Video is the standard Video Surveillance system of choice for any mid to high-end professional CCTV deployment as we enter 2013.
The following is a basic recommendations and considerations you should have with Advanced IP Video Surveillance projects. The general design, integration, and installation of IP camera systems is very different than the old style analog systems. This guide objective is to highlight key considerations in IP Video Security technology.
IP Cameras
IP Cameras have the same fit and form as analog cameras. Basic camera types include dome, bullet-style, infrared, and Pan Tilt Zoom. The real difference is in the video resolution increase from 520 TVL (see old TVs) to 5 Megapixel Cameras that provide resolutions up to 2560 (H) x 1920 (V).
  • In 2012, Network-based Camera system will be approximately 20-30% more $$ than a comparable Analog Video Surveillance System (In 2010 it was about 50% with only 1.3MP resolution)
  • IP Camera may replace up to 2 analog cameras dependent on the location
  • A Panoramic 360 Degree Network Camera can replace up to 5 Cameras
  • PoE Power Over Ethernet means standard Cat-5/6 cable and no more extra power supply boxes, thus reducing the installation time and difficulty by as much as 25%
  • IP Camera prices will probably fall 20-30% in 2013
  • IP Network Cameras will probably exceed 10 Megapixel resolutions in 2013
  • Many IP cameras do not have the same low lux rating as analog cameras, so be careful in selection considering low light conditions
  • Infrared is available in many IP Dome camera models
  • Look for IP Pan-Tilt-Zoom(PTZ) Cameras prices to fall in the coming months as more vendors are releasing more models on the market. Many analog PTZ cameras complement an IP system with approximately 50% less cost.
  • Audio is built-in to many Network camera models
  • You should consider 2 megapixel IP Network cameras at minimum today (cost/performance). In 2013 I would suggest that 4 MP Cameras will be the norm
  • Panoramic 360 Degree Cameras should be considered at any location that requires multiple cameras in target areas such as retail stores.
  • In 2012, although standards are in place, you still need to be aware of IP Server compatibility with specific Network camera models. Obtain a certified Camera list from the NVR Vendor
Digital Video Recorders and Network Video Recorders
IP Camera Video Recorders or Network Video Recorders (NVRs) operate without the massive DSP hardware that processed the old analog composite video. No DVR hardware required, but fast CPU processors and large Hard Drive requirements are with massive video files and multiplexing high definition video has taxed more than one system in the last two years of early adopters to IP can attest.
Choices include Standalone NVRs and Computer-based NVRs and each, like their analog brother, meets different requirements and your decision is based on several factors. Standalone NVRs typically offer Linux-based OS that are closed architectures in that there are limitations. Computer-based NVRs offer flexibility in the number of monitors, resolutions, video storage capacities, and in a general sense are open platforms that can expand and be refined over their productive life.
Hybrid Video Recorders that will operate both Analog and IP video systems should be considered as you upgrade or expand your existing CCTV system. A Hybrid Video Recorder allows you to keep existing analog and upgrade to IP Cameras. So the analog and IP cameras coincide in the same system with the same user interface and remote access, and save money not having to scrap existing analog cameras in place.
  • NVRs typically require more Hard Drive Video Storage space. Calculating drive space as well as HDD allocation are critical decisions in the IP Video Security experience
  • DVRs and NVRs both offer Remote Internet Access and iPhone and Droid Access
  • NVR bandwidth problems basically occur in the HDD Write process. HDD allocation may require limiting high megapixel to 2-4 per HDD (Meaning you may need up to 8 Drives or more to operate and maintain 5 Megapixel camera video in a medium to large-scale CCTV Video Surveillance project
  • Use Hybrid Recorders and plug in IP Hi-Def CCTV cameras in critical areas and where you need high definition video
  • Be aware of recording speeds with IP Cameras. Although a camera may provide 5 Megapixel video feeds, it may only record at 5 FPS or so.
  • Use as many separate Hard Drives (HDDs) as possible. Computer Hard Drives are relative inexpensive, so load up with multiple drives when possible
  • Many IP Cameras have built-in micro storage devices that can record up to 10 GB of Video. Perfect backup on the device for temporary issues and/or problems with main Video Recording System
  • Be aware of 3rd party camera license costs and limitations
  • Require HDMI Output for any IP Video Surveillance system
  • The iPhone, iPad, and Droid Remote Access applications are excellent and offered for both NVR and DVR systems today.
These are just a few tips on approaching any CCTV solution with high definition video security. There are many details, but clearly IP Network Camera deployments are typically less difficult than analog if performed correctly.
The technology in Close Circuit Television (CCTV) otherwise known as Video Surveillance or Video Security is undergoing tremendous changes from Analog to IP Camera systems. In 2012, the Video Surveillance manufacturers have embraced standards early and adopted them allowing you, as a customer, to benefit from an open platform standard. This standard adoption means that you mix and match components and vendors and not be so concerned about compatibility. The IP technology changes in the CCTV/Video Market in 201X parallels the IP technology advancements in VOIP and the telecommunications market in the 1st ten years of this century. Video Resolution and Video clarity is increasing as prices decrease with new and advanced IP Network cameras and video recording systems entering the market every month.
IP Cameras have presented other issues with the typical CCTV installation and integration. No longer can the technician plug-in coax video and adjust the analog system. Today the CCTV provider and integrator needs to have extensive IT and LAN knowledge and the ability to setup and manage network devices and video transmission within the network. However the IP Network Camera project for Video Security is no more complicated than analog camera installations, it just takes a different skill-level to implement and manage.
The end result of IP Network Cameras which high definition is the ability to say Goodbye Fuzzy Video, Hello 1080p in the Video Security world.

Sunday, October 26, 2014

How to Write a Video Game Script

Writing a video game script offers a challenge that goes well beyond the normal realm of writing. But it is also something that can be tremendously rewarding in the scope of its creativity. Here are some guidelines and tips for writing a video game script.
Today's video games are based in complex worlds and they tell stories. No longer does a player simply advance through repetitive screens slaying goblins and ghouls in a quest toward the goal. A player now expects to progress through a world where there is a rich history and a plethora of decisions to be made. This adds to the complexity of writing a video game script and it also adds to the richness of the creativity involved.
The first thing you need to think about is that writing a video game script is that it is not the same as writing a movie script. The two processes are similar and you do write a movie like script for your video game but that is only part of the process. There is a whole host of accompanying materials that you need to write for your game script. Here is an overview of what you need to write and why.
Write An Executive overview of the story in prose
This is the most important part of your game script and this is what will sink or float your script. This overview has to tell a compelling and unique story and it should tell the complete story from the opening scene of the game through the major steps all the way to the completion of the game. An overview like this can be almost any size and it would be very easy for this to be ten written pages or more. Remember that today's video games are very complex and the stories can be very complex. This overview is also the most important part of the script. You would shop this to game developers to see if they are interested in developing it into a game.
Write a History and Background of the world
Video games are complete worlds and game designers need to know what the world is like and what kind of history it has. This will help the designers to visualize what the world will look like.
Create a Flowchart for the entire game
Your game is going to be very complex and there will be many decisions that the player will have to make and each decision opens up a whole new path for the player to take. Creating a flowchart is the best way to keep track of all the possible paths through the game.
Create sub-quests and write a prose overview of each quest
Sub quests can be simple or complex but each one is a story in itself and you must tell these stories.
Create character descriptions and bios for all the major characters in the game.
Game designers need a complete picture of the characters in the game. Many of the non-player characters you create will pop up time and time again. And their story is woven deeply into the fabric of your world. You need to describe this relationship in detail to the game designers.
Write interactions with non-player characters
Your game will probably involve interaction with non-player characters (NPC's). You should write out the dialogue and flowchart the choices the game player can make. These interactions are often critical to the story and they can take the player on very different paths toward the conclusion of the game.
Write Cut scenes
Cut Scenes are short animations or movies that come before or after major plot points in your story. A cut scene should always be written to enhance or describe the story. A cut scene is also a reward given to the player for achieving a major milestone in game play.
Writing the actual storyboard script
This is the final step in the whole video game script writing process and it is the most detailed. You do this step last because you need all the supporting materials to understand and describe this correctly. This part is very similar to that of a movie script. You progress through each scene of your story and you detail all the necessary information. Here is an example:
Scene 1:
Location: A dark cathedral with stained glass windows. An NPC is kneeling before a stone casket in the center of the main room
Music: background music of an organ playing introduces the scene but subsides
Characters: Main player, NPC named Thomas, seven were creatures
Player Goal: Discover the location of the underground lair
Action: Player must initiate discussion with Thomas, upon first contact we activate cut scene (1) where Thomas morphs into a were-creature and summons his were-minions. Main character must battle the were-minions then re-initiate discussion with Thomas.
Flowchart: No decisions made at this point: If battle is completed Thomas reveals the entrance to the underground lair and player advances to that level. If player is defeated in battle revert to death cut scene (11) and move to try again screen.
Notes: Player is locked in the cathedral and there is no exit. The only viable way out is to initiate contact with Thomas. Random were-creatures can be activated if player explores cathedral before talking with NPC.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Visionmaster LCD Video Wall Systems for Control Rooms

The absence of adequate floor space in modern control rooms make LCD videowall displays preferable to the deeper DLP projection cubes that were the standard for many years. Although these flat panel displays can be mounted on the wall to minimize their footprint, Americon's Visionmaster freestanding cabinet for LCD videowall displays are gaining popularity because of other advantages.
While there are several modular videowall systems on the market, the Visionmaster LCD video wall stands out with its versatility and unique features designed for security monitoring, military, process control, emergency operations, and network monitoring applications.
Here are a few key attributes of Americon Visionmaster LCD videowall systems that make them the right choice for both large and small control rooms as well as emergency operations centers:
  • Self-contained and free standing in 12" deep custom cabinetry that conceals the equipment and cables while allowing easy access from both the front and backside. Choose from 'thin' or 'ultra thin' bezel commercial LCD displays with LED back lighting depending on your application and budget.

  • Modular design that shifts the weight of the displays from the wall to the floor. This is important when the control room is in a commercial building where the walls are not capable of supporting the weight of large wall-mounted displays. If operating in an earthquake-prone zone, the Visionmaster LCD videowall cabinet is easily attached to the wall preventing the cabinet and its components from falling forward.

  • Expandable depending on wall space and ceiling height. These LCD videowall systems grow as requirements grow and can be easily relocated without having to renovate the space.

  • Modern video wall controllers that allow the operator to place and size a wide range of high definition sources like TV and computers anywhere on the videowall. Pre-loaded Windows software and supporting peripherals such as wireless keyboard and mouse and optional touch panel control system.

  • Integrated sound system with speakers and audio controller built into the base. Freestanding video wall systems are complete systems that include displays, supporting electronics, storage space, racks and high-quality cabinetry that can be brought in the room and put into operation with training done the same day.
As important, the Americon Visionmaster LCD videowall is a product that has been carefully designed for easy installation and operation as well as easy maintenance. The installation and training procedures take no more than one day in most cases and the price is commensurate to wall mounted videowalls. Americon Visionmaster video wall display systems are more flexible than wall mounted versions and are surprisingly economical.

Sunday, October 19, 2014

Know All About the Green Screen Video Production!

In current times, green screen video productions are used almost in everything - from the films to the weather predictions on televisions, to the Internet - by adopting the so-called green screen technology. This technique allows a scene to be filmed in a completely offbeat locale; from nightfall on a beach to an extinct planet in space, that doesn't even prevail. With the help of green screen technique, TV makers and even a layman can create all kinds of up shots.
Artists are video graphed in front of a well illuminated green screen background, and this technique enables the actor to perform in the comfort of a studio or any other place, and the backdrop can be added later. It is a completely lucrative way of obtaining the production vision, and at times it is the only way to get the desired effect.
With a this particular technology, you will have the affability of shooting anywhere you want, without jeopardizing the professional view of the video. This sort of technology provides a lot of advantages and allows for many innovative options to take place once the shooting is finished.
How Does a Green Screen Upgrade Your Videos?
Just for an example, you are creating a video depicting the places you have visited on your vacation. A video can be made of yourself taped against this type of screen. And, when you start editing the video in the software, this green screen background can be eliminated and a new backdrop of your choice can be added so as to make it look like you reside at the real location. This transforms the video into something very amusing to watch, rather having to view a correspondent talking into the camera. Likewise, an industrialist endorsing his firm and products could have his portrait over lapped on the pictures of the product and the factory. These different techniques allow us to create a diverse range of stupendous fusions.
There is just a piece of advice, while preparing for a green screen take, be cautious not to have the actor draping a green dress or any accessory with a green shade, as the shots will become translucent and show as pits.
This production technique definitely requires exclusive skills and intelligence in camera work, lighting and last but not the least, editing to create that lasting and desired effect. So make sure that you hire the right green screen video production company that has the caliber and helps you achieve your goals.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

Advantages of Video Chatting

The Internet has tons of facilities that are both entertaining and knowledgeable. They help make our life easier and comfortable. Live video chatting is the new "fad" on the internet. This service is provided by plenty of text messengers and other sites and they don't cost a cent. People can go online and talk to their relatives and friends, as well as get connected to total strangers and interact with them.
These sites let people meet other people across the world in the "virtual world". People can not only text, but can actually hear the other person, and see them as well. To video chat, you need to have a microphone and a webcam hooked to your computer. After that's done, reaching anywhere in the world seems easy and a few clicks away. Live video chats have been gaining a lot of popularity as of late and the number of users keeps increasing. Another reason all this is possible is due to the fast and efficient broadband services that are available. They are cheap and provide unlimited downloads and helps in transmitting large amounts of data. All the devices are easily available and are very economical, as well as very easy to use.
Video chatting can be used for a lot of different purposes. People can use video chat to entertain themselves or socialize. They can use it to stay connected with their family and friends who stay far away. They can also use this service to have a video conference for their job. The problem of distance is solved by the use of internet with added facilities of a webcam and microphone. The use of visual and audio devices make people seem like they're right in front of you, instead of being miles away. These services are free and hence communicating with other people is very cheap.

Thursday, October 9, 2014

Some History Facts on Music Videos

Music videos represent a crucial part of the music industry. Artists owe their careers to music videos as they are being given the chance of impressing the public not just with their vocal talent, but also with their looks or moves.
Thirty years ago, music video used to be less important then it is nowadays. MTV (Music Television) was the phenomenon that gave so much power and importance to the music video. MTV started broadcasting in 1981 in the USA and it marked the beginning of the music video's ruling over the music industry. The first video ever played on MTV was 'Video Killed the Radio Star' by The Buggles. As MTV was broadcasting 24-hour-a-day music, music videos were needed to be produced. Consequently, music video began to play an important role in artists' careers. It is considered that even Madonna's career has been greatly influenced by her videos that presented a sexy, appealing look of the artist. Some experts say that Madonna has been inspired by the image that the actress Greta Garbo has used in her silent movies. MTV has been highly controversial: some saw as the beginning of an amazing, new, fresh era in music, others considered it to mark the end of true musical talent, as artists have been become more appreciated for their looks instead of their vocal abilities.
Nowadays, the music video is as important as the song itself, sometimes even deciding the success of a song or artist. Collections of music videos are being sold on tapes or DVDs. Music video's greatest fans are apparently watching them muted just to enjoy their artistic value, as they consider it to be a new form of art. They consider that a music video should be assessed based on its visual qualities and not on the song quality. It seems that the music 'gurus', corporate managers, have realised the potential of using female sex-appeal in music videos, therefore this feature is being used excessively as it is more popular for the public.
The birth of the music video has created a new type of directors: video directors. MTV started even listing directors with video credits and this profession has become more and more popular. But it seems that most video directors don't specialise in this particular art form, they see it as being just a step on the way to directing a movie. Many start directing videos or commercials, hoping to get the recognition to build a name and to direct a movie. It seems that even video directors admit the fact that a music video is secondary to the song itself.
In conclusion, although music video's fans have tried to elevate this form of entertainment to the title of an art form, the music video is eventually just a work of commerce, destined to sell a product: the song.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Where to Buy Video Games in Hong Kong

When travellers visit Hong Kong, most start thinking about what they want to buy before they even reach the city. Shopping is everywhere in Hong Kong, and quite often the price of what you're looking for is cheaper here than in your home country.
One of the most common questions I see on the internet about Hong Kong shopping is "Where can I buy video games in Hong Kong?" That's a very good question, and I'll explain why.
If you've ever been to Hong Kong you know there's no stores like Wal Mart or Gamestop that have large displays of video games for sale. And if you visit a big mall, like Cityplaza, Pacific Place, or Times Square, you probably won't find a store selling video games in there either. You might get lucky and find games in somewhere like Toys R Us, but they'll be for sale at full price.
After searching around for a while, visitors might wonder how a city famous for cheap electronics has very few places to buy video games. Even street markets don't sell video games.
If you're looking to buy video games, consoles, peripherals, or electronic devices in Hong Kong, you want to visit the Wan Chai District in Hong Kong Island. Here you'll find a mall called the Oriental 188 Shopping Centre.
The Oriental 188 Shopping Centre is a shopping mall dedicated to video games, movies, anime, toys, electronic devices, and all sort of other goodies.
The mall itself is quite small when you compare it to other malls in Hong Kong. The hallways are narrow and shops are crammed into the limited space inside. The shops consist of mostly independent shop owners who sell any of the items listed above. The prices inside these shops are cheaper than what you would find at chain electronics stores like Broadway and Fortress. And prices for games are cheaper here than what you'd find them for in stores in Hong Kong that sell video games.
There are a few things you need to know when buying video games in Hong Kong. And since most shop owners at the Oriental 188 Shopping Centre don't speak English, you'll need to know these things before you go.
1. Some video games consoles have region locks on them. Meaning you can't play games from Asia on a North American or European video game console. These consoles include: Nintendo Wii, Nintendo 3DS, and XBOX 360.
2. Game consoles without region locks on them include: PlayStation 3, PlayStation Vita, PlayStation Portable, Nintendo DS. You can play any game for these consoles no matter where it was made or where your console is from.
3. Getting to the Oriental 188 Shopping Centre can be a bit difficult since the MTR doesn't stop anywhere near this mall. The best way to get here is by bus. Look for a bus that stops at 298 Hennessey Road (at Kwong Sang Hong Building) or Wan Chai Road and Heard Street.
4. A computer shopping mall, called 298 Computer Zone, is found in the same building as Oriental 188 Shopping Centre. If you're looking for Computer products, give 298 Computer Zone a look. You won't have to walk very far at all.
5. This mall is packed with young people on the weekends. Go to 188 on a weekday to avoid large crowds of people.

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Starting A Video Production Company

Video production services tend to benefit a large number of individuals and business owners around the world. The technological advancement has reduced the complexity of video product equipment a great deal and thereby it has become fairly simple and affordable. Therefore, tech - savvy businessmen can easily start a video production company in order to make a mark in this industry and make loads of money. By just purchasing a few top class computers, cameras, basic sound equipments and a product software program you can easily start a successful company. So, if you wish to invest your money in this industry and start a video production company then you can go through this article carefully.
Let us now talk in detail about some key instructions that you should follow in order to start a video production company.
  • You should first evaluate a suitable business model by instituting what services will be offered and recognizing your target consumer. There are certain companies who only hire professional experts while there are some other ones who market to the average consumer. So, you should first of all decide your target market so that you are able to set up your business easily.

  • Once you have decided upon your target consumer you need to decide what type of equipment and facilities you require to run your company smoothly. You should also consider more about the software and hardware which is necessary to run the accounting functions.

  • You should first obtain start - up capital through any mixture of loans, investments, personal savings or grants. With a strong part of primary capital going toward the purchase of suitable equipment, you might be able to provide it as collateral for a financial loan to start the proceedings.

  • Now, you need to acquire software and hardware outline in your start up business plan. You should buy everything necessary to control and run the video production company smoothly so that later on no inconvenience is caused.

  • The next thing that you should do is to set up a proper studio so that you can conduct voice-overs and editing. Make sure you have a sound proof room to conduct such sessions. The room should also provide you some simple access to all the production equipment. The room should be spacious enough to carry out such editing procedures with ease.

  • Another crucial thing that you should do is to set up a proper live production studio so that you can accommodate on - site filming. If you have the necessary amount of budget then you can consider going for multiple studios as they will help you multiply your income a great deal.

  • At last, you need to advertise and market your brand new video production company so that it reaches your target consumers and market. Advertising in local magazines and newspapers is a great thing that you can consider doing. Billboards and signage can also prove to be useful in this regard.
Consider going through this article carefully as the above mentioned points will help you in starting a video production company. This will prove to be a lucrative and profitable venture for you.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

The Erect Penis Show - Making a Masturbation Video

Since so many men are showing the world what their fists are up to on a regular basis, it's a good idea for a guy to put a little thought into things before he makes and shares his glorious masturbation video. (This is all assuming, of course, that the man in question is going to share said video in ways that do not violate any laws. That should be his primary consideration!)


First and foremost, a man needs to decide if he wants to be identifiable from this disclosure of his playful fondling. For many men, the answer is an immediate "Yes": part of the thrill or attraction involves being identified personally with his penis. Yet even these men should take a minute to weigh the consequences: Will he be embarrassed if certain people he knows see this? Could it have any effect on his current or future employment? Those who don't wish to be identified need to position the camera so that their faces are not shown, wear a facial covering of some sort, or digitally obscure their faces.

How to film

- Will this be a selfie, or has a friend agreed to run the camera for the man as he masturbates? A cameraperson can help add some smooth visual moves, but a selfie may be more practical.
- Is the focus to be pretty much on the equipment itself, or more of a full body shot? If tightly focused on the johnson, try experimenting with a few camera angles: for men concerned with such matters, shots from slightly below, looking up at the penis make the tool appear larger.
- Is there lighting? This can also be very helpful; most people don't have access to professional lighting, but a guy can play around with the lamps and flashlights in his house to see which ones cast the best shadows or illuminate body parts in the most flattering way.
- Will there be a "money shot" (I.e., an ejaculation captured on film)? If so, plan for it; guys who shoot loads that go long distances may want the camera to be placed in the way which will best capture that. Those who tend to pour in a more contained manner may want to move the tool in for a close-up during release.

- What about costuming? Is the man going fully nude? Leaving the shirt on? Dropping trousers to the ankles or just pulling his manhood out from behind the zipper?

- Is this a silent or a talkie? Heavy breathing, moaning or talking dirty to the camera can be very effective, but many men feel uncomfortable doing this in front of a camera; there's also the possibility that a vocal contribution may lead a man who wishes to be anonymous to be recognized.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Importance of Video Production to Businessmen

Video production is no longer restricted to the movie industries unlike back then. These days, business men are beginning to know the importance of using videos as an advertisement strategy. Articles have been used over time to reach audience effectively but the rate at which it imparts its target audience cannot be compared to a video intended for the same target audience. Videos brings out that emotion that will make prospective customers interested in your product, it also has the tendency of reaching many more people when compared with articles although the niche your video belongs too also has a role to play in gaining recognition with web traffic and search engines.
Web video production is not limited to any form of information so long as you are able to successfully promote your company with it passing the relevant information that will attract their interest on your product. When business video production is discussed, the first thing you should think of is how to produce compelling videos with great quality and if you find this difficult to do, try the services of professional business video production companies. They are grounded in the job so you can be sure of getting the best from them although you may be required to pay more than your initial bargain depending on the popularity of the company.
According to recent studies, YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google so you must try as much as you can to exploit the web traffic it commands. Once you come up with a quality video and publish it on YouTube, you can start getting viewers and building prospective customers immediately. You can also copy the link to your video and have it displayed on your Facebook wall to boost the traffic directed towards your video. A quality video sells for itself so you may not need to do too much work trying to make your video seen because the few people who saw it and liked it will surely send word to their friends and families who will all be curious making them watch your video too even as they continue informing more and more friends.
One key factor capable of selling your product is the comment box placed below every video uploaded to YouTube and other video sharing sites. People who were positively imparted with your video will surely leave good comments and these comments may prove instrumental in attracting other customers to your product.

Monday, September 22, 2014

How to Use Video Marketing in Your Business

Online video marketing effectively is a dynamic resource to dominate the search engines as a promotional tool for both large and small businesses. With the likes of YouTube as the traffic engine, this allows businesses to transform into moneymaking machines since it can be easy to set up a video without having to worry about all the intricacies involved such as editing and the amount of takes in each session.
Having said that, there are several ways to use video to create a 2-3 minute videos on specific topics using the content from articles and text sources. The most traditional way according to Wikipedia is creating a PowerPoint presentation of original articles in an animated slide show. The relevant pictures are added to the slide show with the voice of the Webmaster presenting the information through screen capture software called Camtasia.
This is a preferred method of teaching for those of us who learn by visual kinesthetic or auditory. So combining these three elements drives home our message to a wide audience. Considering, these methods of learning, lets pique our knowledge for understanding.
1. Auditory learners. Prefer to listen to what's been said as the noise of music or sound in general creates a feeling of emotional content delivered to our minds and hearts for example, as we hear a certain type of music, have you noticed how it creates feeling? For example my favorite music is "Have you seen her" by the Chi-lites since it brings back memories on the dance floor.
2. Kinesthetic learners. Learn best with hands on experience as the touch of a computer, the touch of a mechanical instrument, the touch of riding a bicycle has more emphasis than explaining information from a manual text for interpretation.
3. Visual learners. Learn best by observing in its graphical form such as animation, creative pictures, watching experiments, multimedia, text illustrations combined with words is digested to increase exponentially. Particularly, if you notice how easy it is to learn by watching a movie with all characters, actors connecting each scene, taking us on an adventure experience. By way of example, my favorite pastime children's movie is "Chitty Chitty Bang Bang."
I still remember as a child sitting in the front row of a picture theatre with all my brothers, sisters and cousins enjoying the experience. In fact, I can still remember tasting the beautiful "Fish n Chips" we often bought from our local shop after each movie, especially the taste of vinegar and salt on our taste buds.
Whatever niche we are involved with and how we decide to market our products and services, I'm sure we understand the relevance and importance of creating a video to target a wide audience as a promotional strategy.
Perhaps, we can mention some other areas of focus for our video online delivery such as: Conveying strong, compelling messages, establishing credibility, trustworthiness, responsibility, accountability, integrity and honesty. Customers in general may relate to our presentation when they hear our voice and observe you explaining every step of the demonstration process.
A video experience also, personifies family relationships as children are filmed from babies, toddlers, and teenagers and into adulthood. The emotional content involved with video enhances a feeling of tears, joy, love, adventure, and excitement.
Furthermore, online video has demonstrated a personal connection with customers in social media even before you meet the person face to face.
In summary, this article has just touched on various areas of our online video experience. The benefits of video marketing portray some interesting statistics; such as YouTube has more than 4 billion views each day. Video is measured as it delivers important information for business purposes to create or change sales approaches and marketing connectivity.
In conclusion, by way of increasing business sales and exposing our products on YouTube for maximum results, Instead of purchasing an expensive camera (although a camera has its purposes), there is a product on the market that requires little effort to create, in fact, this product or video capture software can be produced in a matter of minutes with animation, mixed with text and sound.

Thursday, September 18, 2014

How to Write a Music Video Treatment

Each one has a definitive task to perform. The record label approaches several production companies and directors with a proposal. This sets the clock ticking. The companies and directors with ample knowledge of how to write a music video treatment place their bids to undertake the project. Generally the treatment is composed by the director himself but due to the high pressure of the job, directors hire professional music treatment writers to shoulder the responsibility. Another reason for them to seek professional writing help could be that they may not be efficient writers. A music treatment should include the following components:
1. Selling - The treatment should convince the production company that the project is worth taking up. If the party is convinced of its merit, they will be more likely to provide funding.
2. Image - Descriptiveness and visual effects are crucial. Use present tense and relate every verse of the song with the overall effect of the music. Suggest how the artist is will be portrayed and the setting of the video.
3. Budget - The effects to be included in the video will determine the budget to be allocated. A proposed effect that is simple is inexpensive and can be safely used in the initial attempts when writing music video treatment.
Follow these tips for music treatment writing and you will increase your success rate. Most music videos are a collaborative effort. Consider

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Arguments and Reasons For Using Video Surveillance

According to a recent survey by the Harris Poll, 96 percent of Americans support the use of video surveillance in public places by the government and law enforcement agencies to prevent terrorism. Of course we all know that video surveillance is used for more than just preventing terrorism, but also to keep watch in our homes and businesses, on streets, in parks and in several other places.
So what are some of the arguments for the use of CCTV surveillance systems across the country?

1. Peace of Mind - A security camera system can provide peace of mind for you, your family, employees and customers. Because they always watch, you do not have to worry about your loved ones or property while away. They help people to feel more secure in their surroundings and to know that if something did happen help can arrive quickly.

2. Loss Prevention - CCTV cameras can help keep personal belongings, merchandise and money where it belongs. The systems can monitor employees and customers to make sure nothing is out of place and reduce theft. A huge part of retail theft is due to internal losses, so this is a huge part of the industry.

3. Crime Deterrent - Security cameras can make a target less attractive. If would-be criminals spot a camera, they may reconsider their plans. It can prevent your family, customers and employees from being victims of a crime. Often, dummy cameras are used as such deterrents, but one has to weigh the risks of gambling their assets on a "hoax."

4. Solving Cases - Number 3 brings us here; if the cameras do not work as a crime deterrent, then the footage video surveillance systems capture can be used as evidence and help ensure that the proper arrests and prosecutions are made in case of a theft, vandalism or assault.

5. Monitoring Productivity - Many companies use multiple security cameras in breakrooms, on sales floors and in hallways to monitor employee productivity. While practical, some people definitely do not agree with this use of CCTV Cameras because they believe it fosters ill will and animosity between the worker and employer.
6. Analyzing Trends - Perhaps one of the most practical applications, if none of the others are considered so, is the use of Security Cameras for monitoring and analyzing trends in retail situations where one needs to know how many people to schedule during a specific part of the day or where they should place certain merchandise on the sales floor. Monitoring a surveillance system can allow a business owner to make educated decisions on these matters.

These arguments are among the most common ones made for CCTV surveillance. There are sure to be others, and there are most certainly arguments against its use, so feel free to comment and let us know what your thoughts are. We are seeing a growth in the physical security industry, and will likely see an increased use of cameras in public places in the coming years, so it is becoming increasingly important for the public to be aware and knowledgeable regarding what will be out there watching them.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Knowing More About Video Production Companies

For obvious reasons, video production is now used as an effective marketing strategy especially for small business owners who were formerly making use of articles. It's not as if articles aren't good enough, but humans tend to embrace better opportunities when they see one in order to move their business out of the crawling stage. With the internet reaching even wider places around the world today, product advertisement can be done quickly, easily and without spending too much stressing the importance of using the services of production companies. Below are some factors to watch out for before choosing any in your vicinity.
Creativity is one of those factors that makes your target audience remain glued to their screen to capture every single moment of the video so you must find out how creative and professional the company is since you wouldn't want a video of a mediocre quality.
Technology keeps on advancing on a daily basis and the introduction of new gadgets is enough to prove that fact. The video production company you intend choosing must have some, if not all of the newest equipment in town to facilitate easy and quality video production thereby conserving your time and not compromising their quality in the process.
A cordial client relationship is necessary for the growth and improvement of every company whether small or large so study the staffs in the company and ensure that they are friendly and loving. If you notice any sort of disunity or discrimination amongst the staffs then you may need to extend your search a little more.
It is understandable that video production is costly but that doesn't warrant for ungodly prices so ensure that you compare their costs with your budget to see if you can pay for their services conveniently. If you can't, simply search for other cheaper companies around but be careful though so that you don't end up in wrong hands. Sometimes, you need to see video production as an investment so that you don't lose hope when you find out the costs are way beyond your budget.
Finally, your video needs to be advertised in order for people to see it and you can use various methods such as video sharing sites and the Social Media. Popular social sites such as Facebook and Twitter are a good way to start especially if you have thousands of friends and followers on each.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

How to Repair Dell E151FP LCD Monitor

This model of lcd monitor I had received a lot of my subscriber requirements. All are regarding service manual and how-to repaired the dell e151fp lcd monitor. So I decided to write this repaired notes to you.
Last year until now, I had repaired many of this model lcd monitors. But most of the problems are no power or power on about 3 second then power cut off. Actually Dell E151FP Lcd monitor are make from Acer (Acer FP553 Chassis). The damaged components need to change are all the same. When I first time repaired this model lcd, I used about one and half hours to solve these problems. After I had these repairing experienced on dell e151fp lcd monitor, I just used about ten minutes to solve these type of symptoms.
After you read this useful note, then you will know which parts or component are easily damaged and you can quickly check these first. Finally these tips are save you a lot of time and money. Below are the lists of common defective components at the Dell E151FP LCD Monitor.
Symptom: No power or power comes up a while then no power.
1) F601= 2A Fuse
2) C605= 68uf 400v (must change)
3) R615= 0.68ohm 1watt
4) Q601= SSS6N60A
5) R613= 1Kohm 1/8watt (value changed to 2.3Kohm or higher)
6) R623= 4.7ohm 1/8watt (value changed to 7.2ohm or higher)
7) D604= 1N4148
8) IC601=UC3842B
9) C707 & C703= 1000uF 16V (must change, because of bad ESR value) secondary filter capacitor.
Sometime, this model lcd also have some others problem, like display darkness. This problem of dell e151fp lcd monitor, you just need to resolder the inverter section (bad points or dry joint) and also check the capacitor value with ESR meter. It will solve your problems.

Friday, September 5, 2014

Everything You Need to Know About Bluetooth Headphones

Infrared Headphone and Wireless Headphones versus Bluetooth Headsets
Wireless headphones actually dominated the market before Bluetooth devices became known to people around the world. Although both of them can provide your needs of a wireless audio device, their reliability and performance may differ from each other.
Wireless headphone has become known due to their wide compatibility to the frequencies that are transmitted to them by different electronic devices. Although both Bluetooth and wireless headsets use the same medium to send and receive signals, they still remain different from each other. Wireless headsets need a special transmitter base that can cause to issues with compatibility. On the other hand, Bluetooth headphones can be used as long as two electronic devices are used at the same time.
Infrared headphones still remain to be distinct because of their ability to use infrared light to operate. They are able to receive light signals from transmitters and turns then to audio signals. However for you to use its maximum performance, infrared headsets needs to be near the transmitter device. If it's too far away, the connection will be broken and you would have to reconnect again. The new technology in headphones has given answers to this problem with their wide range of signal.
Bluetooth headphones work much better than other wireless and infrared devices. Bluetooth headsets are equipped with a transmitter that can be inserted into any type of audio device. More advance versions of Bluetooth headsets also have become more known due to their unique abilities and features. Thanks to these excellent devices, we are now able to talk to people and listen to music using mobile phones whenever and wherever we want.
Advantages and Disadvantages of Bluetooth Devices
• No More Wires - Bluetooth devices uses radio waves for inter-device exchange of data. Once two Bluetooth devices are connected with one another, they will automatically recognize one another. In addition, you can also simultaneously connect multiple Bluetooth devices to each other. This would allow other devices such as wireless mouse and keyboards to be used instead of using wired devices. This helps in eliminating the amount of wires used in a workspace. Some people find using wireless devices more pleasing.
• Security - While viruses are rarely transmitted through Bluetooth and users must acknowledge two different devices to be connected with one another, there are still instances where information can be stolen. Every time that data is transmitted through radio waves it is actually possible for third party devices to hack into it. One instance of hacking is in the form of "Bluejacking." This is where a Bluetooth user sends out an SMS message to a user that is within a 32 foot radius.
And if a user does not acknowledge the message, they may just add it to their phonebook which will allow all future messages to be automatically opened. A user who has bad intentions could then insert a virus in future messages that would be received automatically. To avoid this, it is best to decline Bluetooth messages from sources that you don't know.

Monday, September 1, 2014

Why A Video Of A Man Jelqing Is The Best Way To Learn How To Jelq

If you want to learn how to jelq, your best bet is to watch a video of a man jelqing. You can read about the technique, look at drawings or diagrams, but until you actually see a video of a man jelqing you won't get the full picture of how to jelq properly.
The Jelqing Exercise: This is a male enhancement exercise designed to enlarge penis size. It is performed by using only your hands and lubrication. The thumb and the forefinger are joined to make a circle, and then the penis is gently massaged, one hand at at time, from the base to just before the head in a slow and controlled manner. The penis is in the semi-erect state and lubricated while the exercise is performed.
Simply reading about the jelq exercise leaves a lot of questions open to a guy who desires to enlarge penis size. Some common questions are:
What do the hand massages look like? How long does each massage last? What is considered semi-erect?
These are just a few questions that automatically come up after reading about jelqing. On the other hand, these questions are immediately answered when you watch a video of a man jelqing.
Unfortunately looking for video tutorials in regards to the jelq exercise may prove to be difficult. Before you start searching for jelqing videos, check out these helpful tips first:
These tips will save you a lot of time and will help you to understand what you are in for:
  • Most jelqing videos are simply advertisements. They only contain text and dont' provide any actual tutorial or demonstration.
  • Many so called demonstration videos use drawings or illustrations to explain how to jelq. These are not much better than simply reading about the exercise.
  • The videos that actually demonstrate the technique, are not "real jelqing videos". In other words they will demonstrate on a hot dog or a banana. While these can be informative, you still are not getting the full picture on how exactly the jelq is performed. Having said that, these videos are better than nothing and will give you an idea of how jelqing is performed.
  • If you do find a real jelqing video, chances are they are very short (like 5-10 seconds worth of actual demonstration) and they don't include the lubrication process, which is an extremely important aspect of jelqing.
  • The popular video outlets, like YouTube, generally do not allow nudity, thus do not allow real jelq videos. Now and then some will seep through the censors, but they are usually poor and very short. You will have to settle for banana videos on most of the popular video sharing sites.
So what is the ideal type of jelq video? Here are three things you should look for:
  1. A real demonstration. This is going to either involve nudity, or else a prosthetic of some sort is used. Now you can find good demonstrations with objects being used, rather than full frontal nudity. These videos can be favored by many men who would rather look at, for example, a banana, than a penis. Just keep in mind that it won't be an exact demonstration video, despite how detailed and descriptive it may be.
  2. At least three or four strokes being performed. Just a one stroke demonstration doesn't really give you a good idea of the exercise. You want to see a transition from one stroke to the next.
  3. Attention to lubrication and being semi-erect. Seeing a visual on lubrication can be helpful. Many guys wonder how much to use and how long they need to lube. It's also very helpful to get a visual on what exactly semi-erect looks like. Usually it is considered 40-60% of a full erection. Being able to see it helps.